System Updates

This page lists main user facing improvements to the system. Please get in touch if you want a demonstration of them.


15th February

Health Surveillance: New Access Controls

To ensure compliance with legislation, we have introduced stricter access controls for Health Surveillance and DSE records, which can contain sensitive personal data.

Previously, any OCC manager could view these records for their staff. Now, an additional permission is required.

As a precaution, most users do not currently have this permission by default. If you need access, please contact us. Once granted, you will be able to assign this permission to others.

We have updated the the Health Surveillance Access article soon with more detail

N.B We have not automatically granted this permission to all OCC managers because doing so would allow them to view the records of other OCC managers. In some cases, an OCC manager may be line-managed by another, meaning they should not have access to their sensitive health surveillance information.

10th February

Report Page: Ability to filter the report template list - Allows for template specific QR codes

Opus Admins can now provide you with a web link that displays only a single report type

This means that if required, we can also generate a QR code for the customised link.

7th February

Employee Site Access: Warning Note Added

When you add an employee, you will always be taken to a page to add site access. 

If you fail to complete this step and no site access is assigned, a warning will now be displayed both on this page and on the employee's profile.

30th January

Accident Form: Enhanced Employee Selection

16th January

Training + Documents: Irregular Schedules

We now support irregular schedules where training or documents don't conform to a regular time based schedule e.g. 3 yearly.

This feature allows you to set the date of the new training / document and then also manually add the review date.

Please get in touch if you would like to use this feature.

2nd January

Task Labels: Bespoke Labels now available

You can now create custom task labels tailored to your organisation’s needs. These labels can be applied to tasks and subscribed to by relevant team members.

These might be useful for example where you want to tag incidents by certain types of machinery or area of production to assist with running reports.

Or you might want to alert certain groups of colleagues to tasks by applying a custom label and then subscribing to it.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this.

Report Templates: Bespoke checklist report templates available.

We can now create bespoke report templates where you would like to complete an 'ad hoc' checklist.

This might be appropriate for a client who might want to conduct a checklist on an off site installation. A normal checklist wouldn't be appropriate as it wouldn't be scheduled and also each checklist submission would be independent of any previous ones.

Please get in touch if you think this feature would be of use.


22nd December

Requirement Intervals: Public Release

This feature has been refined and released for public use.

It allows a user to see in one page what the default schedules are for training and E-learning templates and see if there are any divergences. 

Those will indicate if some employees have records which are not using the default schedules (and lead time / severity). This usually indicates a manager has altered the schedule.

20th December

Briefings + Sign off sheets: Global View

You can now see briefings and staff sign off sheets across all your sites

To Do Tasks: Automatic reopen

Now if a user tries to resolve a task without completing the requirement - e.g. adding a training record, completing a checklist, the task will reopen straight away.
Previously the task would close and then a new task would be generated.

Task Assignment: Warning if the assignee cannot complete the task

Opus Compliance Cloud now shows a pop up that lets the user know that the person they have assigned the task to, cannot directly complete the task themselves e.g. the assignee is not a manager but the task is to upload a training certificate or the task is for E-learning for someone else. 

There will also be an a warning icon next to the assigned user.

19th December

Easily identify role or type-specific requirements for employees and assets.

With this feature, you can click on an employee role or asset type to see which records relate to what role / type

18th December

My Tasks: Snoozed and Resolved Filters 

My assigned task now has filters for snoozed as well as resolved filters to help you manage your tasks

Snapshot: Archived records

You can now opt to see archived records in the snapshot pages.

16th December

New My Dashboard landing page

My Dashboard is where you will now land when logging in.

It has been designed based on feedback to give quicker access to users own E-learning / checklists and drive users to subscribe.

It also provide launch points to your inbox(es) and highlights your top priority task.

And lastly it prompts you to update your display name and add an avatar if you haven't already.

Thank you to the beta testers!

7th December

New Report Type Available: Spillage Report

We've added a new optional report type specifically designed for recording spillages. This addition could be particularly beneficial for clients who are ISO 14001 accredited and require detailed spillage documentation.

5th December

Accident Report Template - Contact Details Tweaks

Form now has explicit separate areas for contact details for the person reporting and the injured party.

Accident Form -  'Days off work' change

Form now asks if the employee has had time off - if answered 'Yes' then a separate field will show to add in the days lost.

This was added to prevent users from submitting '0' if the employee hasn't had time off 'as it stands' and then failing to update later if they do. Or entering '0' as they don't know if the employee has had time off.

10th November

This one was a major update. Lots of changes behind the scenes and a number of user facing ones too including:

Documents - automated path creation

Among a number of tweaks to documents, the system now creates a file / folder path for you. You can choose from existing folders. This change, ahead of further changes next year, should speed up the adding of new documents.

Role + Asset Type Requirements now have a  visual indicator.

This make it easy to see if a record is there as it has been added to the asset / employee individually or its a role or asset type requirement.

Checklists Tab - changed to a tree view.

Now it's easier to see in one place which checklists across all sites and assets are due,

New 'My Dashboard' - currently in Beta

The profile settings now allow you to opt-into a new landing page.
It features a lot of quick links and nudges to take you to the right locations.

This is in Beta while we get client feedback.

Opt in here and let us know your thoughts.

25th October

Flag Task Label

Available on all tasks across the system, you can now apply a 'Flag Task' label.

How to Use It:

You can apply the 'Flag Task' option on any task you wish to highlight.

Use this feature as needed, whether to mark tasks for urgent review or to prepare them for escalated handling.

Current Capabilities:

Easily locate flagged tasks in Task Reports by using the search query: label:additional/flag-task .

Coming Soon:

We'll be adding subscription options to flagged tasks or any label). For instance, if you need a senior manager to be aware of specific tasks, they will be able to subscribe directly to the Flag Task label, ensuring they receive notification of tasks marked with this label.

24th October

Incident Summary Field

In response to client feedback, we've added a summary field in the incident form and updated the text in the initial report.

It’s important to open a report on the incident as soon as possible. Whoever is making the initial report of the incident shouldn’t feel they need all the details before starting the report. We encourage prompt logging, then updating the report as more information becomes available over time.

To encourage early logging, we’ve renamed the “Details of the Incident” field in the report to “What Happened?” This field should be seen as a record of what is understood to have happened so far at the time of the incident report being opened. Further details can be added later to the report as they are gathered.

The Incident Summary field serves as a record of the circumstances surrounding the incident and appears in the Investigation section of the Incident Form. It's included on the Task Reports page and in the Task Reports export.

[This will apply to incidents reporting from 14:00 24/10/24]

20th October

Extended Task Snooze Option

Are you managing tasks for employees on long-term leave and tired of repeatedly snoozing tasks every two weeks? We have just the update for you!

Introducing the Extended Task Snooze Option. Now, Opus Compliance Cloud Admins can snooze tasks for extended periods of 3, 6, 9, or 12 months—perfect for situations like maternity leave or other long-term absences.

If you want to use this feature, please comment on the task(s) as to why you need this and then send us the task link(s).

Updated Employee Site Access Management

To enhance usability and pave the way for upcoming features, we have now separated the management of employee site access from the employee edit page.

Employee site access is now handled through a dedicated site access page. This change simplifies the process of managing site permissions and prepares our system for additional functionalities we plan to introduce soon.

See here for more guidance.

22nd August

Ability to add photos or use camera for any document upload.

Previously PDF upload only, you can now upload images or take photos on a mobile device. This should be helpful for where users don't have PDF versions of certificates / reports or don't have the ability to scan documents.

Multi select images enabled for the 'attach image' function

You can now select multiple images to upload to checklists or tasks when you use the 'attach image' function.

19th July

Printable Sign Off Sheets

You can now create a printable sign off sheet and later turn that into a briefing. Useful for things such as tool box talks.

1st July

Site Snapshot - Asset Type / Employee Role Filtering

You now have the ability to filter by asset type or employee role both on the Site Snapshot page and on snapshot subpages. 

Site Snapshot - Ability to export snapshot pages tables

You can now export the snapshot tables, eg training or E-learning.
This may come in handy for external accreditation applications.
 It's effectively a filtered version of the employee due report.

21st June

Site Snapshot Parity Update

When clicking on a card within the Site Snapshot (e.g Training Due), the number of items listed now corresponds to the number on the card.

(technically the "Overdue before" parameter now auto-fills to tomorrows date - showing all overdue items. The previous behaviour was this this parameter wasn't auto-filling - showing all corresponding items regardless of due date.)

User inbox Subscription Button Function

Subscriptions button (located: User inbox > All Tasks) now functions as intended and takes you to subscriptions page.

14th June

Profile & Settings UI Update

The profile & settings UI has been updated to assist with user account management and ease of use. Newsletters have also been added - located on the new top bar, along with Security, Subscriptions and Notifications.

Individual user 2FA / MFA refinement and update

Following on from 7th June feature release - Setting up and maintaining 2FA on your account is now easier. Individual users can now opt to use 2FA. 

This menu is now located under “Security” in the Profile & Settings UI. An updated guide has also been posted in the Knowledge Base under tips (link here).

7th June

Mode button UI update

Manage and View buttons have been recoloured and renamed to 'Switch to Manage Mode' / 'Switch to View Mode' to make it clearer to users which mode is being viewed.

Individual user 2FA/MFA update

New feature added to allow individual users to setup 2FA/MFA on their accounts. 

23th May

Safety Alerts UI update

Added ability to tick multiple sites in one go and toggle on / off for sub sites.

15th May

'Signed in as ' name

Added for cases where user might share devices. If the name here is wrong it indicates to the user that the previous user has not logged out or that they have shared a session and the other user has overwritten their display name.

25th April

Document Access Levels

Documents now have 3 different levels of access so clients can effectively 'hide' documents from non logged in users (ie site QR scanners) or non managers. The 3 levels of access are

We advise keeping as much documentation with the first option so that employees can read by scanning your site QR code.

19th April

Accident  Near Miss Report Template Tweaks

16th April

Role Requirements + Asset Type Requirements Pop Up

Hover over role or asset types to see what Role Requirements or Asset Type Requirements are set.

We also show this on adding new employees and assets via a more info ... button

Clear End Date

Added in to more easily remove left dates on archived staff or assets.

15th April

Reduced / refined notification email

Based on client feedback we have made the notification email simpler to make it easier / quicker to read.

21st March

Task Comment Highlighting

Comment boxes will now highlight new comments, this is especially useful to draw attention to system messages where tasks cannot be resolved due to missing information.

Blue for new comments inc. system information messages.

Orange / green to see task comments that others have made when you click on a notification link. 

12th March

New file uploader

A new file uploader to allow larger files to be added to checklist, training and documents. This will prevent issues where larger files were timing out on the system.

Note - support for image files for file uploads will be coming soon. For mobile devices we recommend using Camscanner or other document scanning application to covert physical files into PDFs on a mobile device

29th February

Checklist Compliance Visual Indicator

Within the "Manage Checklist" section, you will see the Checklist Compliance Visual Indicator which displays checklist submissions over time. This feature serves as a convenient snapshot to quickly identify any gaps showing non-compliance.

New terminology - Sub Tasks and Parent Tasks

A small change to make the system easier to understand. Previously referred to as Delegate Tasks and Resolves Tasks.

Sub Task Snoozing

When you add sub tasks you will see a bell symbol to the right. Selecting that will snooze the parent task until the sub task is completed. Ideal for dealing with tasks that can't be progressed until the sub tasks are completed

22nd February

E-learning Certificates

Currently this is just for newly taken courses. Opus can generate a certificate if you need it.

You can find it by clicking on the E-learning name and then View.

15th February

Safety Alerts feature added

This allows you to create tasks on multiple sites to alert to critical issues - see here for more guidance.

Audit Live task and subscription option.

You can subscribe to audits being live so you get an email notification. A task is now generated on the site inbox with a link to the audit and with any audit actions listed as sub tasks.

To see a list of system updates made prior to 2024 click here.