Adding an Employee Document

You can add documents to an employee's record, such as a Pregnant Worker risk assessment, a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP), or onboarding documentation.

Remember, this isn't where you add training – that goes in the training section on the employee's profile page. 

Keep in mind that employees can see documents added to their records.

To add an employee document , from the home page click on the 'Switch to Manage Mode' button

Click on 'All Employees' in the manage side bar:

Click on the user's name, then in the manage sidebar click on documents:

If you have no documents attached to the employee you will see this screen, just click on '+New Document', 

Or if you already have documents, you need to click on this '+New Document' button 

From the next screen you can select from a 'New Certificate or or use 'New File'  

You will now see a number of fields

Path determines the file name and the folder which it sits in.

Enter the desired filename for the document e.g. employee_induction

You can use folders by typing the folder name before the filename e.g.  'appraisals/appraisal_120423'

Remember - file names must be unique within a folder.

Title - this is the name of the document eg 'Induction Form'

The following fields are for tasks created when the document is due (not applicable if the document doesn't have a review frequency):

Severity of the task  - Tasks appear in severity order on the site when due.

Task Title - should fill in by default - we recommend leaving this.

Task message - Add a custom message that will show when the task is due, otherwise leave blank.

Submit interval - Set how often this document should be reviewed.

Lead time - Set when the task will be created to notify you.

Again, these are not applicable if the document will not have a review frequency.

Scroll down and you can add the document - if you don't at this stage then a task will be created for this to be added.

Add the file and then in the 'Date of document' field add the date of the document. This date will be used by the system to correctly create the due date based on the submit interval you added in the previous step.

Then click '+Save document' and you're done: