Incident Report

To get an overview of your incidents (accidents, near misses and RTCs) you can use the new Incident Report feature.

To access this, from the Site Inbox click on 'Manage' then click on 'Task Reports':

Then click on 'Generate Incident Report':

The default date range is last quarter but you can pick from any of the other ranges in the top section:

The report is then shown below the reporting range in sections, you can jump to the sections using the section titles in the top bar:



Days lost by site

This shows incidents where there are lost time incidents.

Recurring staff

Staff who have been involved with more than one accident in the date range.

This enables you to focus on providing additional training and support to individuals who may require extra attention.

Incident Counts

Incidents by site.

Incident breakdown

Type of injury.

Body part injured.

Kind of Incident.

Near miss breakdown

By kind of near-miss.

Safety observation breakdown

By hazard type.

If you want to choose a specific date range that isn't in the standard ranges, choose the date range first in the Task Reports page and run the search there, then click on the 'Generate Incident Report' button.

If you have multi sites access, this report can either be run at site level or at any parent level and it will include the sites below.

TIP - this page can be bookmarked and it will save the date range you have chosen.