Reporting Incidents - Accidents and Near Misses

Need to report an incident, like an accident or a near miss? Just follow these steps.

Initial Report

Click on the 'Report Something' button in the top right or scan the site QR code:

Make sure you're on the right site if you have access to multiple sites.

Choose 'Report an Incident':

Fill out the form as prompted. Leave the occurrence site blank at this stage.

Click 'Submit' when you're done:

If you're not a manager, that's it for you.

Second Stage (Manager Only)

If you're a manager, complete the second stage of the form. 

The content depends on whether someone was injured or not.

For an incident where an employee was injured, select them from the drop down box:

For accidents with a third party (e.g., customer) injured, put their details in the section below:

Fill out the remainder of the form - it saves automatically; no need to hit 'Submit'.

Investigation Section

Complete the Investigation Section if it's your responsibility.

(this varies between organisations)

Adding Files

To add files, use the comment field at the bottom of the section

Click the add file icon and then hit 'Add Comment'.

Adding Labels

Before closing the report, you'll need to add labels. This might be the manager's or another investigator's job.

Click on the cog symbol next to the 'Labels' section in the top right of the form.

Apply a label in each section, depending on the type of incident.

For accidents you will need to apply

For near misses you will need to apply

These labels will be searchable in the 'Reports' section of the system so it will allow you to filter to specific types of incidents. See here for guidance on searching Reports.

Adding Delegate (Sub) Tasks

You might want to add delegate tasks for further action, like getting photos or arranging repairs.

Click on 'Delegate Task in the top right :

From the options select  'Create an Action':

In the title enter what is needed eg 'Arrange Repair'.

In the description box you can enter more details. There will be some automatically created text that links the record to the incident you have created - it will look something like this  '/resolves'.

Please do not delete this.

Submit the task.

When this is submitted you will see a link on this delegate task to the incident report:

Clicking that will take you to the original incident report where you will see a link back to the delegate task:

Resolving Incidents

To resolve (close) an incident, click on the 'Mark Resolved' button. 

The responsibility for doing this will vary between organisations.

You'll need to complete some compulsory fields and add appropriate labels before resolving; the system will prompt you if any are missing.

If you have missed anything you will get a 'system reopened this' message like this:

Read what the system is saying is missing, complete that and try to resolve it again.

Changing an Accident to a Near Miss / Near Miss to Accident

This is easy to do on the system - just change the 'Was somebody injured?' response and reload the page (F5 or click the page reload icon)