Searching Task Reports


The task reports function helps you explore tasks in the system based on search parameters.

Here's how to use it:

From the Site Inbox click on 'Manage' then click on 'Task Reports':

From the Site Inbox click on 'Manage' then click on 'Task Reports':

By default, the system shows open incident reports (injury incidents, near misses). Click 'resolved' to see resolved reports or click 'open' again to see both open and resolved tasks at the same time.

Use 'Sort' to change the display order of results. The default is recently updated first:

You can add a date range filter to your results:

Or use predefined date ranges like 'last quarter':

Use 'Quick Filters' from the dropdown menu for common searches, like 'Automated corrective actions' or RIDDOR incidents:

Use the 'Filter' option to focus on tasks related to Site, Assets, or Employees:

Customise the information displayed using the display options:

Search for specific report templates using the Template filter section:

CSV Data Export

You can export the data returned in your task reports query into a CSV file for further analysis off system.

Free Text Searching

You can search for keywords, eg 'Fire' will show any task with the word 'fire in the task title:

Label Searching

You can also use label searching. For example using label:template/incident.injury will show just injury accidents and label:injured/public will show reports where a member of the publice is the injured party:

Combining Search Parameters

Mix label and free text searches to get the results you need.

For example, searching for "label:system/triggered_action first aid" with a 'site' filter will show all triggered actions related to site checklists with 'first aid' in the title.

To search for multiple free text terms just separate them with a :  eg MOT:Service:Tax will return tasks with any of those words in the title.

TIP - any search parameters you use can be saved as a bookmark.