Adding a New Employee

Note: You might not have access to add employees if your company manages this centrally.

Here's how to add a new employee to the system:

From the home page click the 'Switch to Manage Mode' button 

Click 'All Employees' on the manage sidebar:

Hit the '+New' button at the top right of the staff page.

Fill in the Employee Information fields. 

Make sure to select the right roles, as this determines their training, E-learning, and checklist requirements.

You can tick multiple roles if required. 

Note - you may have some supplementary roles available which usually have a + prefix e.g. '+Fire Marshall'. Add these as appropriate.

The more options (...) to the right of the roles will show you the requirements each has when you hover over them.

You will see a 'Located at' section but depending on your site configuration you may only have one option. If not choose the employees main place of work.

In the 'Site Access' section, choose which site you want the employee to access whether as a user or manager. You do this via the drop-down menu. To remove access select the ' - ' option.

Tip: If you have multiple sites and want someone to access all of them, make them a manager at the top level, and the access will cascade down. You can do this at a regional level too if your organisation is structured that way.

Then click 'Save' in the bottom right corner.

Now that you've added an employee, if you want register them so they can access the platfom see here.