Published Audits

If an audit has been added to your site you will be able to view it along with any corrective actions that you need to complete.

To go to the Audits section, from the Inbox click on the 'Manage' button then select 'Audits Reports' from the quick links or from the side bar:

If you are accessing from a higher level in the organistion you will see a list of all published audits:

Or if you are at a single site level you will see this page:

The top section shows you last audit score and the number of open audit actions. You can click on these to view the report or view open actions.

The lower section shows your audit history.

If you view the report you will see a summary at the top:

The rest of the audit is shown in sections below:

Any sections where you have not scored full marks will be highlighted:

You can click on the down arrow on the right hand side to expand the section

Or click on 'Show details' at the top of the audit to expand the whole audit

Any questions where you have scored less than full marks will have a corrective action created as indicated by this symbol:

If the corrective action is resolved it will show like this:

Corrective actions will be in your inbox but you can click on the action icon to take you straight to it, it will show the auditor's comments and will show any photos or files if attached:

You will also find a list of all the audit actions at the bottom of this page:

This actions will also be in your site inbox.