Tasks Overview

Our system creates tasks to help you manage health and safety. 

A task is anything that you need to do such as:

Site Inbox

Open unassigned tasks will appear in the site inbox section, while tasks assigned to you appear in 'My tasks'.

Your goal is to clear this list by completing tasks, assigning them, or getting employees to complete them. And you should do this as promptly as possible.

Tasks appear in order of importance, with the high-priority ones on top so tackle this list from the top down.

If you have lots of tasks, you can filter them by clicking 'All tasks for [site name]' on the right and then 'Filter'.

Task Overview

Click on a task to:

Editing the Task Name or Severity

Click on the Edit button on the right hand site of the page

You can now change the name of the task

And you can click on the drop down box on the left to change the severity

Confidential flag

Tasks that are confidential are only visible to a user with manager access.

You will see that a task is confidential as there will be an eye icon to the left of the task title and option to remove it on the right hand side:

If a task is not confidential you can turn this on - you will see an option like this on the right hand side:

Clicking this will turn it back to being confidential. 

Note - if a user (non manager) is assigned a confidential task they will be able to view it.

Some tasks are automatically marked as confidential - such as accident and health surveillance tasks.

Note - employee related tasks while not confidential are only accessible by managers by default.


To add a comment please type in this area at the bottom of the report and click 'Add Comment'

Note that you can add files by pressing this icon:

You can add a hyperlink into text by highlighting the text and pasting a link over the top.

Assign the Task to a User

To assign to a user please click this cog icon in the top right and select the user:

Note it will only show registered users with access to the site the task is at.

Note - the system doesn't currently send a notification to the assigned user so you will let them know if they aren't regularly logging in and will see it in their My Tasks.

Adding a Sub Task

Click the link on the right side to create a sub task:

You will now be able to make a new linked task . If this is a corrective action select 'Corrective Action' or other options, as needed.

Don't delete the '/resolves...' text as this links the tasks

You will now see on this new task a link to the original one

Clicking that will take you to the original task where you will see a link back:

Sub Task Snoozing

When you add sub tasks you will see a bell symbol to the right. Selecting that will snooze the parent task until the sub task is completed. Ideal for dealing with tasks that can't be progressed until the sub tasks are completed.

Snoozing Tasks

The system allows you to snooze tasks so they are temporarily hidden from the inbox. For example where a repair is required and you are awaiting parts or some training is overdue but the course has been booked in the days but for a future date.

To snooze a task first assign it to yourself using the 'Assign' option in the top right

Scroll to the bottom of the task where you will see the snooze button

Click on the snooze for the default 4 day period or click on the down arrow to choose a different time period

You will be returned to the inbox and see a confirmation message like this:

To find a task that has been snoozed, from the inbox click on '-> All task for site...'

The task will be shaded out and have a snooze icon like this:

Moving Tasks

If you have a multi site setup you can move tasks from one sub site to another.

If you have the ability then you will see this option on the right hand side:

After clicking this you can then select the site which you want to move it to:

Note - if this is a reminder task then ensure that the user you intend on completing the task has access to what the task relates to. eg if it's an asset task then they would need to have access to the site where the asset is at.  In this example it may be better to move the asset which will also move the task and any future reminder tasks.