Carrying out Site Checklists

Checklist Task

When a checklist is due, you'll have a task for it:

Just click the link in the task to go straight to the checklist:

Carrying out the Site Checklist

Click on the checklist and then answer each question in turn:

If you come across any issues or want to enter any comments, click on the 'Comment' button underneath the question.

You can also add files using this button:

When you're done, click 'Submit' at the bottom.

Note - if you don't answer all questions before submitting you will get an error message. The system still records the partial submission in case there is anything important flagged. You can still complete the missing questions and re-submit.

Any corrective actions will now show up in your task list, and any comments made or photos added will be visible in the task.

Document the action you have taken and what needs to be done by commenting on the corrective action task, and assigning or snoozing as appropriate. 

When everything's sorted, hit the 'Mark as resolved' button at the bottom of the task.

Viewing Site Your Checklists (without going via a task)

If you want to quickly find your site checklists, click on 'Checklists' in the top bar:

You'll see the checklists added to your site:

Just click on the checklist you want to do.

Carrying out a Checklist Early

A checklist will be ready to complete when it is due and a reminder task generated. The due date is the checklist schedule minus the lead time (usually 3 days for monthly or 24 hours for daily /weekly schedules).

If you want to carry out the checklist early you can via the 'start a new submission' link that is shown: