Site QR Codes

Got a smartphone or tablet? Use QR codes to report incidents or check out site documents without logging in. 

Please Note - each site has a unique QR code, the site specific code must be used.

Getting the Site QR Code

To find your Reporting QR code:

From the site inbox, click on 'Manage' then Reporting QRs

You will see one default QR code:

Click 'Show' to see your site-specific QR code:

If you need to, click 'Edit' to change the name on the QR code printout.

Mobile QR Scanned View

When someone scans the QR code, they will see a screen for reporting incidents and accessing site documents

A logged in user will see this screen

Note - there are reporting QR codes for assets too.

Need a hand with putting these QR codes on posters? Give us a shout, and we'll help you out!