Site /  Asset / Employee Due Reports

Export Due Reports from the system to get spreadsheets with a full overview of what's due or overdue across your site(s).

To access this function, click on 'Manage' then 'Task Reports' in the side bar: 

Click 'More Reports' button in the top right:

Choose from the following options:

The Site Reports shows checklists assigned at each site.

The Asset Report shows

The Employee Report shows:

These exports have hyperlinks to take you directly to pages where you can update items.

Note that these reports do not include archived items but they do show gaps i.e. where E-learning and training are required but there are no records provided.

Due Report Headers for Employee Report

These reports might seem complex at first, but they provide all the information you need to analyse your records. Here's an explanation of the employee report:

So for example if you want to find all training that is overdue, filter:

Feel free to hide / delete any columns that aren't relevant

The other reports follow a similar format.