Adding an Asset Document / Document Based Inspection

Here's how to add an individual document requirement and associated file to an asset. 

We can also set up Asset Type Requirements for you (See here), so all assets of the same type automatically get the same inspection. Just get in touch with us to chat with us.

Go to the 'Manage Asset' page, as described in the Asset Overview article, and click on the asset you want to check out.

Scroll down to the Documents section

Click on the '+ New ' button then pick the most suitable document type:

Now, fill out these fields:


Path determines the file name and the folder which it sits in.

Enter the desired filename for the document e.g. 'gas_certificate.pdf'.

You can use folders by typing the folder name before the filename e.g.  'certificates/gas_safety_inspection.pdf'

Remember if you add more than one file to an asset, the file names must be unique.


Name of the document eg 'Annual Inspection' or 'Service Manual'

For the task fields (skip these if the document won't have a review frequency):

Finally, complete these fields (skip if the document won't have a review frequency):

Submit interval - How often the document should be reviewed, e.g., every year or month. 

Lead time - When the task will be created to notify you. 'None' means you'll be notified on the due date.

Scroll down and you can add the document - if you don't at this stage then a task will be created for this to be added.

Add the file and then in the 'Date of document' field add the date of the document. This date will be used by the system to correctly create the due date based on the submit interval you added in the previous step.

Then click '+Save document' and you're done:

Corrective Action

Found an Issue? Add a Corrective Action!

If an issue has been identified that relates to this document (like a defect found during an annual inspection) then you will need to manually add a corrective action. Here's how:

From the Manage Asset screen, click on 'View' in the top right hand corner OR from the site inbox, click on Assets in the top bar and head to the asset.

Now click on 'Report Something' in the top right.

Then  choose the 'Create an action' option

Enter the issue that has been found along with any relevant documents or photos then click on submit.