Task Notifications

Task notifications are updates for tasks that you are subscribed to, this includes being assigned tasks.

Notification Bell

The notifications bell is where you access your task notifications.

You can see this next to your profile in the top right of the screen. The number indicates the number of unread notifications that you have.

Notifications List

Clicking on the bell will show your notifications.

Each notification will tell you why you have been notified. 

The 'View' button will take you to the task and will mark the notification as read.

You can also mark the notification as read by clicking on the blue circle.

Note - opening the view page in a new tab won't mark the notification as read.

The time last updated refers to the last update made on the task not the update you have been notified about.

Read notifications will be faded out like this:

When Do I Get Notifications

Notifications Page

If you click on 'Show last 50 notifications' or navigate to cloud.opus-safety.co.uk/notifications you will see your notifications page showing the last 50 notifications.

You can filter by site / asset by using the checkboxes on the left hand side:

Notification Digest Email

This is an additional email subscription that you can opt into either on a daily or weekly basis.

It will email you about any unread task notifications.

You can subscribe to these emails: here on your subscriptions page.

Note - the scheduling of these emails will be based on the time and day you subscribe.

For example, if you subscribe to daily emails at 12:00, the system will check every day at midday for any unread notifications to email you about.

If you subscribe to weekly emails on a Wednesday at 09:00, it will perform this check weekly at that time every Wednesday. 

To change the scheduled day or time, just turn the digest emails off and resubscribe at the appropriate time.