Label Prevalence Reports (beta)

This feature is in beta - the graph label sometimes overlap but the data is correct and may be useful so we have released it in this limited form.

Label prevalence reports is a handy tool to that shows you, how common labels usage is.

This can help you figure out things like:

To access this function, click on 'Manage' then 'Task Reports'

Click 'More Reports' button in the top right:

The select Label Prevalence Reports at the bottom of the list

The contents of the page you will see will vary depending on the report types that are allocated to you but it will look similar to this:

On your screen, you'll see a list of all the label categories. Next to each, you'll find the number of times that particular label has been used in reports.

If you click on one of these you will get a radar chart that looks something like this:

The blue area of the chart shows the current date range, which defaults to year to date, but you can change this at the top of the page.

The red area? That's the date range just before the current one.

So, let's say you picked 'last month'. In that case, the blue area would represent the last month and the red area would represent the month before that.

Plus, you'll also get a table that breaks everything down into percentages. This is an easy way for you to see how often different things are happening, so you can spot any patterns or issues that need your attention.