System Overview for Managers

Hi there! Welcome to the Manager's Quick Guide for the Opus Compliance Cloud system.

Ready to dive in? We'll give you an easy-to-follow tour of the system. Let's get started!

View Mode

As a Manager, the system has two modes - 'View Mode' and 'Manage Mode'. In View Mode, users can see information in a clear and understandable way. View Mode contains your inbox - listing tasks that are to be completed. You can learn more about Manage Mode later on in this guide or click here.

(To switch between View Mode and Manage Mode click on the switch button located towards the top of the screen)


When you log into the system, you'll find yourself in your inbox. If you're in charge of multiple sites, you'll land on the one you have the highest access to. If you have access to just one site you'll land on that site's inbox.

This is what a typical site inbox looks like:

Workspace Navigation

On the top left, you'll see a workspace drop-down.

 If you're part of a multi-site organization, you'll be able to browse the site hierarchy here.

Switch Workspace

Managing multiple sites? There's a "Switch Workspace" button to help you hop between them.

Top Bar

You'll see links to Checklists, Documents, and Assets in the top bar:

For more information on these, check out the articles in the Knowledge Base menu


Click your avatar (top right) to access the profile dropdown menu, by default this will be your initials until you add an avatar image.

Task Notifications

Clicking on the bell will show your task notifications. These are for tasks you have subscribed to. For more information on this click here.


If you have access to multiple sites, click "Sites" at the top of your main screen to see them listed by hierarchy.

My Tasks

Assigned tasks? They'll show up here (unless snoozed).

Open Unassigned Tasks 

The inbox lists all open unassigned tasks such as open incidents, overdue training, or asset  inspections.

Consider this your in-tray, clear this list by completing or assigning tasks.

We recommend that tasks should not be left here for any longer than 2 weeks. They should be resolved or assigned (and then snoozed if appropriate) within that time.

Start at the top and work your way down — they are in priority order according to age and the severity of the task. Learn more about severities here.

To learn more about tasks click here

All Tasks

Click "→ All Tasks for [your site name]" to see all tasks for your site.

Here you can see all your open tasks including assigned and snoozed ones.

You can also find resolved tasks and filter and sort on this page  - check out the task overview article here.

Breadcrumb and Home

Click the breadcrumb (top of the screen) or the home symbol to navigate when you're not in the inbox. Clicking the Opus logo also takes you back to the landing page.

Navigation Path

These are like the breadcrumb but work at a site, asset or employee level.

You can click on segments within this path to quickly navigate back up to a higher level, that might be a region in a multi-site set up or simply moving from assets back to the site or from an employee to all employees.

Report Something

Need to log an accident, near miss or other event? Use this button to report it. More info can be found in the "Reporting Incidents" section of this Knowledge Base.

Manage Mode

As a manager, you'll see a "Switch to Manage Mode" button on the site inbox. This takes you to the Manage Site page, which includes:

All Employees - View employee training, E-learning, and checklists 

Assets -  Manage assets

Checklist - Configure or change site checklists

Documents - Add, revise, or edit documents

Reporting QRs - Print or change QR codes for reporting accidents, near misses, or hazards

Task Reports - Run filtered searches to show tasks like all accidents in the past month

You'll also find shortcuts to some of these pages in the center of the screen.

You can also access a manager view of pages from the normal user view, for example Manage Assets:

Site Snapshot

Select the "Switch to Manage Mode" button from the site inbox and scroll down to see the Site Snapshot:

You can click any number to see further information.

Read more about the site snapshot here.

Task Reports

Task Report can be considered as a universal hub for showing data. 

By default it shows you your near misses and injury incidents but it can be used to show other report template types and finely tuned searches to display other useful information such as all injury incidents involving backs.

Click here to find out more about the Task Reports page.

That's it! We hope this quick guide helped you get acquainted with the system. Need more help? Just give us a shout.

Now don't forget to subscribe to email notifications — find instructions here for that.