Adding an asset checklist

You can add checklists to assets, like a monthly First Aid inventory check. But remember, they'll only be available if they're configured for your organisation. Most of the time the checklists will be already set up. Give Opus a call if you need more checklists.

Here's how to add a checklist to an asset:

Make sure you are on the Manage Asset page as described in the Asset Overview article, and click on the asset you want to look at:

Click 'Checklists' in the side bar

Click on +New or +New Checklist  and you'll see all the checklists linked to your asset type or types. (Need a new one? Contact Opus.)

Now, fill out the fields:

Title -  It's already filled in, no need to change.

Severity of the task   - Tasks appear in severity order on the site when due.

Submittable by - this can be changed from the default managers to all users 

Submit interval - How often this checklist should be carried out.

Lead time -  When the task will be created to notify you that this needs to be done and when the checklist can be resubmitted. For daily and weekly checks, go for 8 hours; for monthly checks, try 3 days.

Task title - should fill in by default - we recommend leaving this.

Task message - Add a custom message if you want.

Scroll down to preview the checklist questions and hit 'Save Checklist' when you're done. That's it, you've added an asset checklist.