Subscribing to Email and

In-System Notifications

There are two types of notifications you can subscribe to on Opus Compliance Cloud:

1. Events Notifications -  these alert you straight away to important events logged on the system i.e. accidents or safety observations.

2. Task Notifications  - these update you on changes to a specific existing task, let you know you've had a task assigned to you, or notify you of all new tasks (if you have opted in to that).

You can receive these notification in-system, via email, or both.

Note that you must actively opt-in to receive email notifications, they cannot be automatically setup for you by Opus.

1 Event Notifications

Multi Sites

If you're managing multiple sites, it's best to subscribe at the highest level you can access. If you do this you will receive notifications for the site you subscribe to and all sites beneath it. 

If you want notifications at just some sites, then just subscribe separately at each one.

Remember if you change site access for a user, they'll need to re-subscribe to notifications at their new site.

How to Subscribe to Notifications

Starting from your site Inbox, next to Open unassigned tasks, click on 'All Tasks for [your site name]'

On the right hand side, look for the email icon and click it to go to the subscription page.

If this is the first time you have clicked on All Tasks, you will be taken directly to the subscription page.

You will be taken to the subscription page showing a list of things you can choose to be notified about. The selection of things available depends on the report templates your organisation has configured, so your list may vary.

For each individual event or task, you can select to get a notification in-system (bell icon), or by email (envelope icon), or both.

To select to get a notification, use the dropdown menu to select the minimum severity level you are interested in - you will be notified of any event or task of that level of severity or higher. If you are unsure, select 'Always' to be sure you don't miss anything

Select 'Never' to stop getting that kind of notification for that type of event or task.

Note - you will get notifications for historic reports if they are updated with labels which match the notifications you have selected.

You can also choose to subscribe to in-system notifications for any new tasks added to your site. This includes 'To do' reminder tasks such as training and monthly checks due. 

This option is especially useful in combination with Daily Digest (below) providing a single daily email notifying you of everything that has happened at a your site; allowing you to maintain an overview without being overwhelmed with alerts. For a quick guide for this click here.

You can also subscribe to individual assets if you want to - just follow the same steps as above but via the All Tasks on the asset itself.

Viewing Your Current Subscriptions

Click your profile on the top right.

Choose "My Subscriptions" to see which notifications you are currently subscribed to.

2 Task Notifications - Digest Emails

On the 'My Subscriptions' page you have the option of subscribing to an email which will send you a summary of unread in-system task notifications.

Task notifications include updates on specific tasks that you are a participant of - either by creating the task or by commenting on them. You will also get task notifications where you have subscribed to get event notification email alerts for that type of task.

The Digest email allows you to get a Daily or Weekly round-up via email of the notifications which sit behind your notifications (bell) icon.

You can enable your Digest Emails via this link to your subscriptions page.  

To learn more about Task Notifications click here.

Note - The schedule for your Digest email is determined by when you save your setting; you will be emailed at the same time of day at which you saved the setting, and on the same day of the week if you selected Weekly emails. i.e. If at 11am you save your choice to be emailed Daily, then you will be emailed daily at 11am. If at 2pm on Monday you save your choice to be emailed Weekly, then you will be emailed at 2pm each Monday.

To change the scheduled day or time, turn the digest email off, and then turn it on again at your desired time.