Safety Alerts

Safety Alerts is a feature that allows you to create tasks at multiple sites in one go. They are designed to alert the managers to something and provide steps that they need to follow to resolve the site Safety Alert task.

Examples of Safety Alerts:

N.B. This function is intended for our multi sited clients - for single sited clients please use Report > Create an Action.

Email Notification Subscription

There is an additional subscription for Safety Alerts -  if you intend to use this feature ensure that all managers opt in for this so they get an instant email notification when you have created a Safety Alert.

Creating the Alert

Head to your manage site page (inbox >  manage) from the site you want to issue the alert usually your top 'client' level). 

Then click on the 3 dots in the top right and then select 'New Safety Alert'

On the create Safety Alert page first add the title e.g. 'Safety Alert - Hard Hat Use' and choose an appropriate severity label. We recommend critical if this is an important alert.

Next ensure the relevant sites are ticked. You may need to expand your sites if they are split into regions etc.

If you have multiple levels in your client hierarchy you can tick and untick sub groups but remember to untick any sub parent sites if you don't need an alert to be actioned there eg a geographic region.

NB - you can inly issue an alert 2 levels down. If you site setup has more levels that this please contact us.

Then add your alert text and add any files that are needed such as documents you want signed off.

An example of text might be:

Please perform the following steps:

Below is a completed example - Opus can provide you with an alert template with sign off sheet.

Master Safety Alert Task

Once you have hit submit you will be taken to the master Safety Alert task.

This task will be assigned to you and snoozed (as it cannot be actioned until the sites actions their alerts).

Under 'Sub Tasks on the right hand side you will be able to see the site level alerts and if they have been resolved (show tick symbol).

You can click on these to jump to the site Safety Alerts task.

At the bottom of the task you will see a verification checklist section. This is an optional feature to assist you in checking if the site level tasks have been completed correctly. 

You can resolve the task once all sites have resolved the task - you do not have to have ticked all the verification checkboxes.

Site Safety Alert Task

Once you have created the Safety Alert tasks will be created on all the ticked sites.

Managers are expected to follow your instructions and resolve once completed


If you have a  large number of sites we recommend testing with one or two sites and seeing if the manager can understand / follow the instructions as once generated you can not change the text on the alert without editing each site alert separately. Opus can delete any test tasks that you create.

We recommend that you store the Safety Alert for future reference within site documents.