Onboarding Steps for New Clients

Broadly speaking there are 3 main components to the system which Opus will help you set up:

The sections below break down each component.


Opus will add your sites to the system.


Site checklists are regular checks across the site such as a manager monthly walk around. We usually recommend using less than 30 questions per checklist. 

We have the following questions types:

Checklists can either be manager or all user access. We default to all users unless otherwise instructed.

We have some standard checks we can apply or you can supply your own questions for us to upload.

You can add documents that you want to be able to be viewed by employees at your site. For managed clients this is where Opus will add your risk assessments etc.


Roles are not job titles, they are broader and will group employees together based on the same health and safety requirements. For example anyone that just works in the office would have the role 'Office'. We recommend 3 to 5 roles unless you have complex requirements.

An employee can have multiple roles, also we can make use of supplementary roles such as +Fire Marshal or +Company Car driver.

There are 2 levels of user access level in the system - manager or user. A manager can manage more than one site.

These is what is going to be compulsory for the employees based on their role

Opus can bulk upload staff or they can be added individually on set up. You will then be responsible for keeping the staff list up to date.

We need:

You can add individual staff training where applicable. Initially these are added as templates and then can be assigned to employees.

Where applicable you can register staff on the system by sending them their registration links. If you would like Opus to bulk send invites to your staff then please get in touch.


Think of asset types as categories. These are used to help organise your assets and also for use in Asset Type Requirements

These are compulsory requirements for all assets in a particular type. Either checklist based eg daily pre use checks or document based eg annual service. For example all ladders would usually be entered under a Ladder type which has a quarterly ladder checklist.

For more on Asset Type Requirements click here.

You can add your assets.

You can add per asset requirements.

Don't worry if all of this doesn't make sense right now - we are here as much as you need us to guide you.