

We strongly recommend bookmarking your most commonly used pages. Any page can be bookmarked including task report searches with date range. So for example you can have a bookmark that when clicked always shows the month to date accidents.

Guidance for bookmarking in Chrome can be found here. For Edge go here

No Scanner? Use Your Phone Instead

You can use your phone's camera to take photos of certificates but you will need them to be converted into PDF first. You will need to use a document scanning app such as Adobe Scan, Microsoft Lens or Google Drive. Alternatively use an online service such as iLovePDF .

Task Messages

When it comes to 'to do' tasks, the system can add in a message to give the user extra information. For example for a training template it could be the cost code and contact details of the training provider.

Get in touch to make use of this.

Move Between Hierarchy Levels Using The Slugs

You can step back up your organisation's hierarchy by using the slug. A slug in this respect is not the slimy kind! it just relates to a text string that shows you where you are in a hierarchy,

For example - this demo client is Smiths and the site we are at is Kendal.

If you click the 'smiths' text you will jump up a level.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Opus Compliance Cloud has been designed to be accessible, that means that navigation and selection can be done via keyboard.

In most places hitting the return key is the same as clicking save

On checklist you can hit space to enter a yes response and use tab to move to the next question

Two-factor authentication (2FA / MFA)

If you want to add extra security to your Opus Compliance Cloud account you can opt for 2FA (using Google / Microsoft Authenticator or Okta etc), get in touch and we can sort this for you. This would apply to all users in your company. 

Setting up 2FA / MFA

To setup 2FA / MFA follow the steps outlined below or click here to skip steps 1&2.

1. Click on your profile icon at the top of the screen and navigate to 'Edit Profile'.

2. On the your profile dashboard, click 'Security' - located on the top bar. Then click 'Set up two-factor authentication'

3. Download and Install an appropriate authenticator app (e.g Google Authenticator) on your smartphone.

4. Once the authentication app is installed, scan the QR Code in the authenticator app to generate a new 2FA token. This token will generate unique 2FA codes. Input this code into the text box below the QR code to continue.

5. Backup keys will be provided once the 2FA setup is complete. These keys are used to recover the access to the account if access via 2FA breaks. 

We recommend storing these codes somewhere safe and accessible such as a secure password manager application. Avoid storing these keys physically.

6. Input the authentication code generated by your authentication app on your device.

7. Finally, head back over to the Security tab in your profile (link here) and make sure that "Require MFA" is turned on.

That's it! You should now have 2FA enabled.

Dark Mode

Did you know that Opus Compliance Cloud has a dark mode? Lots of users find this easier on the eye especially at night time or in low ambient light environments.

The system will automatically switch into dark mode if that's toggled on in your settings.

To switch to dark mode follow the instructions here:

There are applications that will automatically switch your device into dark mode - here is one that we use at Opus for Windows.

Fine Tune Your Severities

We choose some standard severities to assist with prioritisation of your task list. However once you get a feel for the system you might want to look at changing the default severities. This can be for checklists, training, asset inspections etc. We can even go down to the level of changing the severity of corrective actions that are generated from checklists on a per question basis. So anything that's critical, let's make the corrective action critical too.

Saving Pages as PDFs / Printing

The system has been designed to be used digitally but we appreciate that there are times where you need to provide a separate record to a third party.

Most of the pages are designed to save as PDFs which you can then send on. You can do this via the normal browser print facility.

For Chrome browser - right click on the page and select print from the menu. In the pop up print dialogue make sure that the destination is set to PDF.

Note - if you need to send a copy of the accident form to a 3rd party you may want a redacted version with all content beyond that of the original form and system interface elements removed. If that is the case then please get in touch with Opus we will provide that for you.

Employees Who Don't Have Company Email Addresses

Opus Compliance Cloud requires a unique email address for each registered user account.

Note that you don't have to have staff registered on the system in order to complete E-learning etc (see 'here') or to report incidents (they can do this via the site QR code).

However, if you want them to complete E-learning etc via My Dashboard or carry out site / asset checklists they will need an account.

For some organisations, not all team members may have a company email address. You have 2 main options here:

A) Using Other Existing Email Addresses

B) Use Plus Addressing

Plus addressing is a standard email feature that allows you to create unique variations of an email address by simply appending a plus + symbol followed by text or numbers to an email address. This is usually enable by default but you may need your IT team to enable this.

Step 1 - create a base email address account - this might be something like ''.

Step 2 - Choose a standard format for the plus tag, such as firstname.surname or payroll number.

Step 3 - Each staff member should then register with this modified address, eg:

'' or ''

Note: All emails, including password resets, will be sent to the inbox of the base email address. Managers with access to this account can assist with password resets if needed.

Prevent Chrome Memory Saver from Closing Opus Tabs

Chrome browser added a feature to suspend tabs, this means that if you have part completed a page on an audit or checklist and left it for some time there is a chance that Chrome will suspend this tab and to re-use it you will have to reload it, thus losing any unsaved data. 

To prevent this happening, navigate to the Performance tab on Chrome chrome://settings/performance, click on 'Add' next to 'Always keep these sites active' and add or turn the feature off entirely.