Site Snapshot

The site snapshot offers a quick glance at the current state of your site(s). 

Here's how to access it:

From the Site Inbox click on 'Manage' then Click on 'Generate Snapshot':

You will now see this page:

If you have access to multiple sites, you can include them by clicking on the 'include sub-sites' switch in the top right:


Open incidents = injury incidents near misses

Open corrective actions = actions automatically created as a result of site checklists

Checklists overdue = overdue site checklists

Documents overdue = overdue site documents

Open audit actions = open tasks from you consultant audit(s)


Open corrective actions = actions created automatically as a result of asset checklists

Checklist overdue = asset checklists overdue

Documents overdue = asset documents overdue


Training overdue - self explanatory

E-learning overdue - self explanatory

Checklists overdue = employee checklist overdue (eg health surveillance and DSE)

Documents overdue = employee documents overdue (e.g. PEEPs etc)

Expanded Results

When you click on these tiles you will get a return of the records that are providing the number. 

For some tiles these are shown in Task Reports with the filters applied to give you the specific results. For more on Task Reports see here.

For Employee training, E-learning and Checklists the results open in our new employee reports page, where you can filter employees and record types.

Note 1 - We now autofill in the Overdue before date so that you only see the overdue. To see a list of all training, E-learning etc just celear this date

Note 2 - 'Due from' is when the 'to do' task is generated, 'Overdue at' is when the record actually becomes overdue.

Overdue after / before

This allows you to filter to records that are overdue by putting today's date in the Overdue before.

To search for training that is overdue in a specific time frame, tick the relevant training and the put your date range in.

This would be useful for example where you want to book first aid training and want to see who is due around the same time so you can book them all on the same course.