The Potential on Both Ends

By Sydney Schulz

A kind and supple voice, intelligent and intuitive,

Reminds you of the lovely aspects of nature,

All of its curves and twists, reveals a beauty like no other,

Its light and gentle tone display immense feelings of passion,

Though sensitive, this voice is yet but submissive,

It leads, it loves, it speaks words of compassion for all

Now, a rough yet uplifting hand reaches out with a gentle grip,

It pulls you up with a mission of protection,

It pulls and tugs through its hidden emotions,

Accidentally showing a strong heart,

This hand is ready to give, to encourage,

Determined to find the truth in the world around

A voice and a hand, so different in a abilities

The potential to sing, to scream

The potential to hold, to hit

The potential to cherish the earth with their opposing details,

If only they did.

Sydney is currently a 11th grader at North Penn. She writes, "I always found the likeness and differences between masculinity and femininity fascinating and I hope any reader of this poem can appreciate the different beauty and evil in the opposing ideals."