The Lost Fable of Remnant

By Noora Khan

Once lived a princess, far, far away.

She was kept away from the world

Her father feared the worst,

the disappearance of her,

Just like her mother.

She was sheltered, hidden, unheard of.

Her life felt boring,

Until she met adventures.

She engulfed herself with books, arts, and compositions.

They brought her Joy!



She got to experience the outside world through the magic of literature.

On her sixteenth birthday, she got all that she wanted from her father.

A father who adores his light of life, so much.

But there was something she didn't get.

Her simple request of a pen and paper was granted by the King.

Her happiness couldn't be contained.

Her father smiled at the pure cheerfulness of his light.

However, the King had no idea,

Of the chaos that would be brought before his very eyes.

The clever and desperate princess wrote her story and her happy ending.

The happy ending she believes she'll get.

All the paper planes sent out of her window reached many warriors.

All thinking to be worthy of the princess.

Yet, every...single... warrior failed.

The poor princess was losing hope.

Until one day, a single warrior found another paper plane.

Which held her story and happy ending.

The strong, confident warrior reached her castle.

Unlike others, he didn't fail.

He succeeded!

He killed the King and his army!

What an accomplishment!

The warrior runs up to the top of the tower and finds the princess.

The princess, who was first upset by her father's death,

now is filled with excitement and jollyness!

The princess was able to experience the world,

just like everyone else.

She thanked the warrior by giving him the castle.

The bonds they had to create,

brought them their fate.

This, this is the story of Ozma and Salem.

A happy ever after, right?...

Noora Khan is a Sophomore here at North Penn High School. She wrote "The Lost Fable of Remnant" by taking inspiration from the show, "RWBY" and using Volume 6, Chapter 4, "The Lost Fable" as the main plot for her piece, and rewrote the story shown in the show in a different way. She aspires to study and have a career in the medical field. Khan is also involved in many clubs at the high school. She wants to acquire more knowledge about different subjects to help, grow, and learn with others.