
6th Grade Science


Course Title: Science

Department: Science

Primary Resources:

· Amplify Science

Units of Study:

· Topic 1: Harnessing Human Energy

· Topic 2: Magnetic Fields

· Topic 3: Phase Change

· Topic 4: Phase Change Engineering Internship

· Topic 5: Chemical Reactions

· Topic 6: Earth, Moon and Sun

· Topic 7: Populations and Resources

· Topic 8: Matter and Energy in Ecosystems

Curriculum-Based Assessments: Performance Tasks, Summative Assessments

Standardized Assessments: N/A

Description of Course: This course is aligned to the National Academies’ K-12 Science Framework and to the Pennsylvania Framework. It is the first of three in the middle school science grade band. Over the course of the year, students will engage in 21st century science and engineering practices to investigate real-world problems and scientific phenomena. Students work with visual models to build explanations for the phenomena. Major themes presented include conservation of energy and matter and its application to the Earth-Moon and living systems.