3rd Grade Music
Course Title: Music (K – 4th Grade)
Department: Specials
Primary Resources:
· Exploration of the following “Big Ideas” with increasing complexity in performance and notation from Kindergarten through Grade 4
o Vocal Technique (from vocal exploration to tone production to pitch matching and appropriate posture)
o Tempo (from fast/slow to specific tempi, including changes in tempo)
o Rhythm (From steady beat and long/short to specific rhythmic notation down to sixteenth notes)
o Meter (intermediate grades: 2/4, ¾, 4/4)
o Dynamics (from loud/soft to specific dynamic terms, including changes in dynamics)
o Melody (from high/low to melodic patterns using various scales, intervals and steps to treble clef notation)
o Texture/Harmony (from solo/group to unison, ostinato, round/canon)
o Musical Form (from same/different to study of specific musical form like song form, rondo, verse-refrain, etc.)
o Musical Symbols (from measure lines to time signature, dynamic symbols, tempo, DS, fine, coda, etc.)
o Musical Expression (from opinion of music to evaluation of musical performances)
o Historical Context and making connections between music and cultural/historical events