8th Grade ELA
Course Title: English Language Arts
Department: English
Units of Study:
o Non-fiction/Informational (Autobiography, Biography, Essays, News Articles, Speeches)
o Novels (Mystery, Memoir, Historical)
o Short Stories
o Poetry (Haiku, Cinquain, Limerick, Free Verse, Narrative)
o Drama
o Genre Studies-Traditional Tales
o Self-selection to meet interest and readiness levels within units of study
o Response to literature and informational texts
o Narrative
o Informative
o Argumentative
o Creative
o Poetry
o Drama
Curriculum-Based Assessments: Curriculum based measurements, STAR Assessment, iReady Comprehension checks and writing and Thesis-Based Writing
Standardized Assessments: PSSA’s
Description of Course: The Neshaminy School District’s middle schools’ English/Language Arts courses are aligned to the PA Core standards. Middle-level grades place a strong emphasis on the development of good work and study habits. Appropriate grade level instruction is designed to enhance the development of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and critical thinking for each child. This 8th grade course provides instruction in reading, writing, and critical thinking skills with complex high interest texts to meet each student’s need. Students will have opportunities to explore personal interests through a variety of literary genres. Instruction and practice in critical thinking is provided through the study of genres, including novels, plays, short stories, poems, and essays. They will examine literary elements of within a genre and analyze the importance of the setting, characters, and plot. In addition, students will learn research skills to support modes of writing. speaking skills, grammar, and vocabulary are also taught within this course. Teachers will support individual students through frequent drafting of written pieces, conferencing with students, responding to reading and writing in various modes, and oral presentations to enhance effective communication skills.