september 8, 2023
John Irwin School of Excellence Award
Jefferson Academy was recognized again by the Colorado Department of Education(CDE) as a recipients for the John Irwin School of Excellence Award. 2022 marked the fifth consecutive year (when CDE has distributed the award) that JA was honored. John Irwin Awards are given to schools that demonstrate exceptional academic achievement over time. Schools who receive an Exceeds Expectations rating on the Academic Achievement indicator of the School Performance Frameworks reflecting exceptional performance in Math, English Language Arts, and Science are chosen. (View more information on the School Performance Framework in SchoolView.)
K-12 Volunteer Survey
Families: If you haven't yet done so, please take a few minutes of your time to complete this K-12 Volunteer, Skills, & Needs Survey: K-12 Volunteer Survey
The information gathered from this survey will allow our support staff to connect our community to opportunities and resources that are a good fit for their family. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact our Community Engagement Coordinator, Tiffany Blakley (
We recognize the impact that late starts have on our families schedules. Our traditional daily schedule does not allow for all content teachers to have common plan time and in turn few opportunities for them to collaborate together. Our late starts provide a systematic process in which teachers are able to work together interdependently to analyze their teaching and to improve our instruction leading to the extraordinary student experiences that our students engage in each day. The time is extremely purposeful and powerful in helping JA continue to be the amazing school it is. We would not ask our families for this adjustment to their day if it was not leading to valuable outcomes for kids.
Volleyball Tournament
Join us tonight to watch and cheer on our #1 ranked volleyball girls in the Sideout Showdown. The volleyball team will play at 5:15 and 7:45 in the Main Gym here at JA. The team will also be playing tomorrow at either 10:00am or 11:00am, depending on results from Friday. Entrance fee will be $7/adults and $5/students/seniors. Student activity passes will allow for entrance to the games. We hope to see you all here tonight.
8th grade DC/NY 2024
Don't miss out on this incredible educational opportunity--the price is increasing on October 1, 2023. You can sign up two ways through EF Explore America: the website tour # 2587451SS or by calling 1-888-333-9756. Please contact Mrs. Porreco at with any questions.
Join us in PORTUGAL and SPAIN in Spring 2025
We are so excited to present an international travel adventure for high school students in 2025 which will take place in the spring: Portugal & Spain! We are hosting an in-person informational meeting on Thursday, September 14 at 5:30 in Room 153. Families can find all the details of the meeting and register to save your seat here: Any questions please contact Sra. Bocanegra at
Student support
Who is Student Support Services?
Check out our Student Support website to learn more about our team!
Interested in playing sports in college?
Sunday, September 17, from 3-4 p.m. MST, NCAA is hosting a webinar with Eligibility Center staff. Staff will walk you through what you need to do to complete at the NCAA Division I, II, or III level. Registration is required. Link to Register
Senior Happenings
Seniors have each scheduled a 30-minute meeting with Ms. LeValley to take place during the fall semester. The purpose of each meeting is to discuss post-graduation plans and how Ms. LeValley can best assist in their pursuits.
National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
September is suicide awareness month. We want to encourage our entire community to look out for every person, every day. JA has supports available if you need help or know someone in our community who does.
How sick is too sick
As cold season amps up, we know the difficult decision families wrestle with at home in determining whether to send their children to school. This link shares some insights that might be helpful as the year progresses.
Schedule for The week
September 11: Boosters Kickoff Meeting/Fees due
September 12:
September 13: Honor Roll Ceremony; 6:00 p.m. (BY Invitation ONLY and RSVP is required for participation and attendance)
September 14: Informational Portugal Travel Meeting; 5:30 p.m.
September 15:
STudent information
Public Library Card Opt Out
Hello from the JA Secondary Library Team. As a friendly reminder, students will have access to the Jeffco Public Library and Online Database, as well as the Broomfield Public Library and Online Database. Students are automatically enrolled into these programs and can either use their Student ID and Name, or a library card provided by the JA Librarians to access these resources from school. If you would like to Opt-Out and unenroll your student from the Library programs, please fill out this form by October 1st.
Picture Retakes
If you missed picture day or would like a retake, don't worry, picture retake day is Friday, September 22nd (during class time). Families can order student portraits on using student ID numbers. When logged into the system, please use "Westminster" as the city and "Jefferson Academy Secondary" as the school. Click on this link for more information: Reminder to Order Pictures
Daily Announcements
If students do not have an A-Block, or miss the school announcements for any reason on a given day, they can find them posted on the front page of our school website.
College Visits
Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan Wednesday, September 13th, 1:00 pm-1:30 pm
University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO Thursday, September 14th, 1:00 pm-1:30 pm
Regis University, Denver, CO, Monday, September 18th, 10 am – 10:30 am
this week at JA
Inaugural Pickleball Club Meeting
Eagle Scout Project
Celebrating the John Irwin School of Excellence Award
Important Links
Principal - Mr. Ryan Stadler; 303-465-7615,
Assistant Principal & Activities Director; 303-465-7617, Mrs. Marti Porreco,
Athletic Director & Assistant Principal; Mr. Dan Quaratino; 303-465-7616,
Director of Student Support Services; 303-465-7621, Ms. Kyrie Adams;
The mission of Jefferson Academy is to help students attain their highest academic and character potential through an academically rigorous, content-rich educational program.
Jefferson Academy envisions a community of parents, teachers, students and educational and business leaders working together to create a learning environment that engenders growth in character, academic achievement, and the love of learning, resulting in responsible, productive citizens.