September 9, 2024
Super Testing Day for the PSAT NMSQT exam in Wednesday, October 9 for all 10th & 11th grade JA students. Testing will begin promptly at 8:30am and will be completed at approximately 11:30am. There will be NO SCHOOL for 7, 8, 9 & 12th grade students that day.
With the release of statewide assessment data from the 2023-24 school year, I am absolutely ecstatic to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our students. Jefferson Academy remained one of the highest achieving schools in Jeffco measured by the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). On the 2024 SAT Reading & Writing assessment 92% of students met the college and career ready benchmark; with 75% doing so in Math. This is just an incredible representation of the amazing students at JA.
Not only is student achievement an valuable measure of school performance, but more importantly is a school's growth. A Median Growth Percentile (MGP) at the 50th percentile typically reflects average progress across all schools, but JA 11th graders earned scores beyond this expectation with an MGP at the 53rd percentile in reading & writing and the 66th percentile in mathematics on the SAT. This is nothing short of amazing. Student scores not only surpassed the district, state, and national averages, but they also demonstrate the incredible dedication and talent of our school community.
JA's strong academic program is just one of many reasons Jefferson Academy is such a great school. Please join me in celebrating our students' phenomenal success and the unwavering dedication of our teachers.
The first boosters meeting of the year will be virtual at 6 p.m. on Monday. This is a great way to be involved in supporting our school community. One of the reasons that Charter Schools are so successful is the involvement by all our stakeholders. Block of some time to support this month.
Spain & Portugal-2025
Spain & Portugal in 2025 for JA high school students will be an amazing immersive adventure that you will remember for the rest of your life--and we don't want you to miss out! We have the last in-person information meeting on Thursday, September 12th at 6:45pm in Room 134. Important note: EF has extended a $100 Early Enrollment Discount through the end of September. EF will be closing enrollment for the tour at the end of September. The easiest way to enroll for in-person meeting is online through our tour website. Here is the link to enroll to the trip through our tour website:
DC/NY 2026-For Current 7th Grade Students
Attention current 7th graders interested in the 2026-8th grade educational trip to Washington DC and New York City. There will be an informational meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, September 25 at 6pm. Interested families please RSVP via this link RSVP DC/NY. Space is limited for this trip-don't miss out on this amazing educational experience. Please contact Marti Porreco at with questions.
Transportation and Construction Girl Day will be September 26th
To find out more about this free event, go to Girls learn first hand about the financially sustainable and incredibly diverse careers in construction and transportation. A few of the exhibits will include: heavy equipment, paint simulator, excavator simulator, welding, survey equipment, drones, computer traffic program, masonry demo, VR design, soldering, electrical escape room, pipe bending and more.
National Suicide Prevention Awareness Week
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month with National Suicide Prevention week running from September 8th through the 14th and World Suicide Prevention day on September 10th. Suicidal thoughts may affect anyone of any age, gender, or background. If you are worried about someone or yourself, this guide can share resources and steps to support. Your work may help prevent suicide at individual, community, and national levels.
Student Fees
Thank you for your patience while we worked through the student fee issues. We are pleased to share that all fees should now be available and up-to-date with student schedules. If you have already paid fees, thank you for being on top of it! However, there were some fees that were not showing up when fees first opened at the beginning of August. Due to this potential discrepancy, we are requesting all families log into the Parent Portal to double-check your student's accounts for any changes. JA Administration made reducing fees a priority this year, where possible, without impacting your student's experience. The fee paying guide is HERE to assist if you are having any troubles accessing those fees.
Parking Passes
Parking passes are now available! Students need to fill out the Parking Form and pay the $125 fee online before they can pick up their passes at the front office. Parking stickers need to be applied to the bottom right corner of the back window or as close to it as possible. At this time, students should have picked up their sticker in the main office and applied them to their vehicle. Fines for parking in the lot without a current parking pass may be given out starting Monday, September 9th.
Picture Orders & Picture Retake Day
The majority of proofs and orders have been delivered to all students during their D Block/last class of the day, however, some have found their way back to the main office! If you are missing an order or your student has not brought home the proof, please contact the main office.
Picture retake day is scheduled for the morning of September 19th. This is the last opportunity for students to have their school photo taken. All students must have their photo taken (including seniors) for Infinite Campus and school IDs, families then have the option to purchase the photos online through Lifetouch (
Attendance Awareness Month
September is Attendance Awareness Month and we hope that by creating exceptional student experiences your student will want to be at school every day. Currently, Jefferson Academy has an attendance rate of 97%. We hope to continue to see this awesome trend throughout the school year and believe we can do even better. Chronic absences can translate into students having difficulty learning that challenge their ability to achieve in middle school and graduating from high school. Read this research summary for more details.
Why does Attendance Matter?
Research demonstrates a strong connection between student attendance and academic performance. Regular attendance allows students to establish and nurture relationships. Research shows that students who miss two days of school per month can struggle with reading and this may lead to social-emotional stress. When your student misses school they also lose valuable learning time, can fall behind in their school work and as a result, it’s difficult to catch up.
Attendance in Infinite Campus
We do recognize that students may miss school over the course of the year. If your child will be absent for the whole day, it should be reported in Infinite Campus. These directions will walk you through the process. If your student will be coming in late, do not enter the tardy into Infinite Campus. You can call the main office or have your student bring in a doctor's note. Students leaving school early also are not reported, but please call the main office and we will document and release your student for the requested time.
Adapted Athletics
We are so proud of our high school baseball team which volunteered for Jeffco’s Adapted Athletic Cross Country Day. Adapted athletics is a program within Jeffco that provides athletic opportunities for students with disabilities. They run monthly events throughout the school year with the first taking place on August 28th .The baseball team supported Cross Country Day at Gold Crown–All-Star Park representing our school community well.
AV production
Enzymes & Chemical Reactions
AV Production
Monday, Sept. 9 - Boosters Meeting 6 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 10 -
Wednesday, Sept. 11 -
Thursday, Sept. 12 - Spain & Portugal Travel Meeting 6:45 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 13 -
Principal - Mr. Ryan Stadler; 303-465-7615,
Athletic Director - Mr. Dan Quaratino; 303-465-7616,
Activities Director - Mrs. Marti Porreco; 303-465-7617,
Director of Student Support Services - Ms. Kyrie Adams; 303-465-7621,
The mission of Jefferson Academy is to help students attain their highest academic and character potential through an academically rigorous, content-rich educational program.
Jefferson Academy envisions a community of parents, teachers, students and educational and business leaders working together to create a learning environment that engenders growth in character, academic achievement, and the love of learning, resulting in responsible, productive citizens.