November 27, 2023

One opportunity that makes JA so special is the Holiday Care Package Program. You already received email information on the program and how to support our community. For easy access here is the link if you would like to help out this season. 

If you are looking for time to shop for the Holidays or need childcare for a few hours, JA's National Art Honor Society (NAHS) is bringing back Kids Craft Night on November 30th. You can sign up for a one, two or three hour time slot and NAHS will care and entertain your children with a variety of projects throughout the evening.  Funds raised go to support our NAHS trip to Chicago. 


With Thanksgiving this past week, I was able to reflect upon the gift I have been given to be a part of JA. I do not take this opportunity lightly and continue to learn and improve striving to get better each and every day. I recognize the faith that goes into sending your children to learn alongside us at JA and am thankful for the trust you have in our staff. 

I would also like to share with you that our school community has much to be thankful for. Our students are excelling not only in the classroom but also in the countless other opportunities our school offers. We’ve had a successful fall athletics season with multiple state appearances, and our winter sports are underway. Our performing arts programs produced outstanding theatrical and band productions, and our music programs are busy preparing for our much-anticipated winter concerts. All of this is made possible through the time and effort you all put into making our school community vibrant and successful. Your dedication and passion for our students continue to inspire me every day. For all of this and more, I am thankful that each and every one of you has chosen to be part of Jefferson Academy



HS Basketball

High school girls and boys basketball is finally underway. The first home game will be on November 29th when our our boys' teams will host Timnath. The games will start at 4:30 p.m. Come out and support our Jags. 

We will host our annual basketball tournament on December 1st and 2nd. If you are looking for some volunteer hours, please reach out to the athletic department and we will let you know what the needs are. 

Varsity Teams At Ball Arena

The boys and girls varsity teams will be playing at Ball Arena again this year. The girls will be playing on December 14th at 1:30 p.m. and the boys will be playing on February 2nd at 1:30 p.m. In order to attend the games, you will need to purchase a Nuggets ticket for entrance. Click here for tickets.

Concessions Stand

Hosting concessions during the JA home basketball games is a  quick easy way to earn money for your club or sport.  This is a great way to do an evening of team building or even family bonding. Click here for the SignUpGenius.


30th Anniversary Spirit Day

On Thursday, November 30th Dress as your favorite toy and that night the JA Foundation is sponsoring a K-12 Community Spirit Night at Urban Air Adventures in Westminster from 4:00-7:30 p.m. There are discounted tickets and 20% of proceeds will go toward the Gala.

NAHS Kids Crafts Night

Also on Thursday, November 3oth is National Art Honor Society's annual kids craft night. Please sign up here: NAHS Craft Night

Key Club Canned Food Drive for Broomfield Fish

Key Club is sponsoring a canned food drive for Broomfield Fish from Monday, December 4 to Friday, December 15.  Donations will be collected in B block classes.  Please contribute to help those in need!

Student support

Help Kids Build Social Connection

The Surgeon General recently named loneliness as an epidemic with serious health consequences. And while loneliness can affect anyone, research shows that loneliness among kids and teens is at an all-time high.  

What can you do if your child is feeling lonely, or you suspect they might be? Experts at Children’s Hospital Colorado weigh in on why loneliness is on the rise and what signs and symptoms to watch for. You’ll also learn helpful strategies for navigating loneliness among kids at any age — and how to offer support.

Warren Tech

The designated Career and Technical education center for Jeffco offers 36 innovative programs. Students work with experienced faculty and industry partners to engage in real-world professional projects, internships, and apprenticeships. Every Warren Tech student is taught Post-Secondary Workforce Readiness skills, and students can earn college credit and industry certifications. 

At JA, juniors and seniors would attend Warren Tech Central, North, or South (depending on your program) for half the day and JA for the other half. Most credits earned at Warren Tech count toward graduation elective credits. Warren Tech is visiting JA on November 29, at 2:00 p.m. in the library.


From Boosters - Annual Cookie Exchange Sign-up
Every December, the JA Staff looks forward to one of their favorite days of the year - the Annual Cookie Exchange!  We love to spoil the staff by having a huge variety of cookies and treats that they can select from to box up and take home (and maybe snack on some at school too). If you're able to bake this year, please bring cookies to the office conference room first thing on Monday, December 11th. Please click the link below to sign up. Thank you so much for helping to make this tradition special!

Schedule for The week

November 30 - 30th Anniversary Spirit Day: Dress as your favorite toy (but don't bring the toy!)

November 30 - K-12 Community Spirit Night at Urban Air Adventures in Westminster from 4-7:30 p.m. 


Important Links


The mission of Jefferson Academy is to help students attain their highest academic and character potential through an academically rigorous, content-rich educational program.

Jefferson Academy envisions a community of parents, teachers, students and educational and business leaders working together to create a learning environment that engenders growth in character, academic achievement, and the love of learning, resulting in responsible, productive citizens.