October 7, 2024

Super Testing Day is Wednesday, October 9th

Super Testing Day for the PSAT NMSQT exam on Wednesday, October 9 for all 10th & 11th grade JA students. Testing will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. and will be completed at approximately 11:30a.m.  There will be NO SCHOOL for 7, 8, 9 & 12th grade students that day.



Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held this Wednesday from 3:30pm to 5:30pm and 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Conferences at the secondary school are open to all families through a drop-in structure with the goal to strengthen the partnership between families and educators. These meetings provide tailored feedback that goes beyond grades which you can view in Infinite Campus. Parents should get insight into their child’s participation and classroom behavior helping them understand the full scope of their child’s experience at school.

Conferences certainly should not be the only time you are receiving feedback on your child's progress and we hope that you have already reached out this year should you have any concerns about the school year. Generally, parent-teacher conferences will last around five minutes, so if you believe you need more time, you can use this meeting to arrange another convenient date to continue the dialogue. 

If you are unable to attend on October 9th we encourage you to contact the teacher to set up an appointment in the coming week. Our school practice is for families to set up conversations with classroom teachers directly. Additionally, in the mornings teachers are busy preparing for the school day and should you arrive looking to meet with a staff member you will likely be turned away by the front office. Please know our goal is not be be unwelcoming, but to honor you by ensuring that a mutually convenient time is arranged where teachers can plan ahead and give their full attention to your needs. 



Congratulations to our HS Golfers!

Golf has had a great season and we get to celebrate by sending two of our golfers to state. Asher Bieser and Kaleb King both qualified to appear in the 2A State Golf Tournament that will be played on Monday, 10/7 and Tuesday 10/8 at The Club at Rolling Hills. Congratulations to our whole golf team on a fantastic season and best of luck to Asher and Kaleb at State!

Junior High Soccer

Our junior high boys advanced to the finals on Friday by defeating Dawson Alexander School with a score of 6-0. They will play Prospect Ridge Academy on Friday. At the time of writing, the results are not available. Check back next week for an update. Good luck boys and finish strong!

Junior High Volleyball

Our junior high volleyball girls finished up their season this week. The A team barely missed out on playoffs and the B team lost their quarterfinal game in 3 sets to a very tough Flatirons team. We are so proud of all of them and can't wait to see them on the court next year.

Junior High Girls Soccer Tryouts

Mandatory tryouts for 4th quarter junior high soccer tryouts will be held on October 7th from 3:30pm-5:30pm. Please click HERE for more information. If you plan on attending tryouts, please fill out THIS form. 

2nd Quarter Junior High Boys Basketball

Registration for junior high boys basketball opened on September 23rd. Registration is required for participation in the class. A current sports physical is required to register.

High School Basketball

Practice will officially start on November 18th. If you are planning on playing, now is the time to make sure your sports physical is up to date. Registration will open on November 4th at noon. Please reach out to the athletic department with any questions.

Athletic Fees

Athletic fees are posted to your student's account and are now due. Please pay these fees as soon as possible.


Know a business that would like to sponsor the JA Athletic department and our athletes? Sponsorships start as low as $500 for a full school year of advertising either in our gym, along the fence line or on team rosters. Reach out to Mr. Q for details.


DC/NY 2026-For Current 7th Grade Students

If you were unable to attend the 2026 DC/NY meeting for current 7th grade students--you can still sign your student up for the trip. Lock in one of the limited spots available with a $95. Enroll now with this link: www.efexploreamerica.com/2822048SS Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity.  Contact Marti Porreco at mporreco@jajags.com with questions.

URGENT - Senior Seminar Presentation Reviewers Needed

Each of the 104 members of the Class of 2025 will be presenting their Senior Seminar capstone projects on October 7, 8, and 9.  We need volunteers to evaluate and provide feedback on the student’s presentations. Each student will present for 13-20 minutes on a topic within their chosen career field.  Your time, attention, and feedback are greatly appreciated.  Please click on the link to sign up. SENIOR SEM VOLUNTEER LINK 

Boosters Spirit Night Fundraiser at Chick-fil-A-Tuesday, October 15

Mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 15. This fundraiser will help anyone Boosters serves. Mobile orders accepted-please see flyer for details. Fundraiser

Another way to support boosters is by donating money that will go towards providing dinner for teacher during P/T conferences. You can do so my accessing CheddarUp at https://hospitality-donations-41526.cheddarup.com, or drop off an envelope in the office indicating "Parent Teacher Conference Staff Dinner."  


Kansas State Engineering - Wednesday, Oct. 16th

K-State Engineering is coming to Westminster! The Carl R. Ice College of Engineering will host events in Denver for students interested in pursuing a degree in engineering, computer science or construction science at K-State. Join us from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. on 

Wednesday, Oct. 16th @ The Westin. Representatives will lead an interactive presentation for students and their guests on the following topics: Types of engineering; Engineering careers; Successfully transitioning to an engineering degree; Q&A session with K-State engineering students and college leaders. Students who register and attend will receive a free K-State engineering-branded T-shirt! The college will award a $1,000 scholarship at each event to one high school senior or transfer student and one high school junior in attendance. REGISTER

NCAA Webinar for College Bound Athletes

NCAA Webinar for College-Bound Athletes: Do you have a student-athlete dreaming of playing a sport at the NCAA level? Please attend the upcoming webinar on Sunday, Nov. 3, from 4 to 5 p.m. Parents and athletes will gain an understanding of the requirements and how to prepare for NCAA certification. Join NCAA Eligibility Center staff, who will walk you through what you need to do to compete at the NCAA Division I, II, or III level. Staff will be answering questions live during the presentation, so come prepared to learn how to take your game to the next level! Click here to register. 

Upcoming College Visits @ JA - 1st semester visits are open to 11th & 12th graders

Youth Exploring Stewardship Conference

This annual Youth Exploring Stewardship Conference is hosted by the YES Coalition. At this conference, staff from outdoor focused youth programs in the Colorado front range will come together to share knowledge, resource, and lead activities for youth who are interested in stewardship paths to explore and test out various paths and actions. Please use this link for more information and conference details. 

Young Founders Lab - Selective Start-up Bootcamp for High School Students
Founded by Harvard entrepreneurs, Young Founders Lab is a selective start-up bootcamp for ambitious high school students. In the program, you work under the guidance of mentors from places like Google, Microsoft, and Meta to build your own revenue generating start-ups. The deadline to apply is October 20, 2024 for the winter cohort. Here is the brochure and application form.


STEAM COURSE; Students in Mr. Mellott's class

Trash is a big issue at our school, and whether your kid brings lunch from home or gets lunch from school, they throw away trash. Our school throws away almost 176,000 gallons of trash every year. As you can guess, this isn't very good for the environment and it adds significantly to the school’s environmental impact. Most of this trash is taken to landfills where it's buried and forgotten. It doesn't matter what gets buried, it still impacts the environment. Some ways to lower the amount of trash that the school produces would be to: encourage kids to only take the food that they will eat, eat all of the food that they take, or to share leftovers with friends. Any reduction in the amount of trash would help. If we could throw away just the trays and fruit holders it would be so much better for the environment. Please do whatever you can to help us lower the amount of trash produced, including talking to your kids about lunch waste.


Lockers are Assigned

7th grade students now have their locker assignment in Infinite Campus on their schedule.  In IC, they will see the locker number and combination listed on the top of their schedule.  As a reminder, all students share lockers and have a pre-assigned  partner. If your student would like to request a locker, have them come to the main office to put their name on the list.  Ms. Murray will get the locker information to them as soon as possible. 


Pickleball Club


Choir Concert - 7:00 pm Auditorium (Free of Charge)

NO SCHOOL GRADES 7, 8, 9 & 12

Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30 - 5:30 pm & 6:15 to 7:30 pm 



The mission of Jefferson Academy is to help students attain their highest academic and character potential through an academically rigorous, content-rich educational program.

Jefferson Academy envisions a community of parents, teachers, students and educational and business leaders working together to create a learning environment that engenders growth in character, academic achievement, and the love of learning, resulting in responsible, productive citizens.