Flintshire Schools Digital Support

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This website has been created to support your school in implementing technology into your school's pedagogy.

You will find support for teachers in how to use the digital applications at their disposal.

There are ideas for using technology within classroom activities at different depths. 

Ways to monitor and identify where digital competency framework skills have been implemented in the school.

How e-portfolios can be used to allow learners to evidence, curate, self-assess and reflect on what they have created.

Support for Online Safety ideas for staff, pupils and parents.

Why use technology in the classroom?

Technology is changing how people live and work; life is becoming more on-demand with quick fixes. Our learners need to understand how to use technology safely and engagingly. This is your job (if you're a teacher), the content of this website is aimed at supporting you in the pedagogical choices you make to engage your learners in achieving the learning objectives you have.

Technology is already a part of children's lives, they now interact with their peers, play games and create in their digital worlds. However, this means they are also opened up to the world's dangers.

Children need to know that how they behave in the real world is how they should behave in the digital world, they should act, speak and interact the way they would if a parent or teacher were in the same room as they are.

How to use technology in the classroom?

Technology allows you (the teacher) to create activities that allow your learners to show their understanding of what they have been learning.

Using technology works most effectively when learners have a piece of work to which they can apply the feedback they are given, these activities allow learners to improve their work at different points based on several factors:

Activities can be chosen that purposefully allow the learners to return to a piece of work to apply different elements e.g.

Story Writing

Day 1- Write the story (teacher can assess class needs)

Day 2- Following assessment Paragraphs are recapped learners apply this to their story

Day 3- Following assessment Improve the dialogue learners apply this to their story

Day 4- Self-assessment against success criteria, Peer-assessment

This example shows how technology allows the learners to reflect and apply what they are taught in class, in terms of assessment of progress, the history of the document will show the edits/changes that the learner has applied to their work. 

By planning activities that allow learners to revisit their work, learners will have the opportunity to apply any feedback they are given. 

This way of working allows teachers to be more responsive to the needs of the class based on the work they have created in the initial phases.

Recording videos

When learners are recording videos, this could be:

It is always useful to ensure that learners plan what they are going to say, this can be writing a script in their book (this means that you still get the written work from the learner, and in the learner's eyes, now also has more purpose)

Creating this script allows the learners to plan what they are going to say but also think about how they are going to deliver their script. 


Please complete this Google Form to request support or identify any issues being faced.

Support has been separated within this site to support the different roles within the school.

Supporting documents can be copied from here for Google and here for Microsoft.