Free Blacks Mini-Q

  1. Take the How Free Were Free Blacks in the North Questions from the shelf and then take out the History Journal.

  2. Head both sides of How Free Were Free Blacks in the North Questions.

  3. The Chairman will send one Senator to get the How Free Were Free Blacks in the North in Four Voices article for the committee.

  4. Review the Learning Target.

  5. The Chairman is assigned Document B. The Vice Chairman is assigned Document C. The Chairman will decide the assignments for the other two senators.

  6. Each senator will read the assigned Document Questions and Document Information during the Station Walk. Use the History Journal as a clipboard to write down the answers for all questions.

  7. Read and reread the How Free Were Free Blacks in the North in Four Voices article. Answer the questions about this article in your History Journal.

  8. Move around the room in your Committees to each Document Station. Answer all questions for each source, but move immediately to the next Station once the timer rings. Committees will have ten additional minutes to revisit Stations once the Station Walk is complete.

  9. The Chairman is responsible to direct Senators to each station. If a Senator is not working on his or her assignment, please inform the Sergeant at Arms.