Mind Map Videos

Mind Map Links

American History Mind Map

Learning Target: Students will recall their present knowledge of American history and culture.

  1. Take a blank sheet of Print Paper from the shelf and head the lower right hand corner with first and last name, date and period number.

  2. Share Mind Map Art to show creative examples.

  3. Begin your Mind Map Instructions and Examples in the middle of the Paper. Create a Symbol or Image in the center of the paper that represents the topic. Then use Words, Phrases, Images, Icons, Dates, Symbols, and Visuals to represent your knowledge of the topic. Connect concepts together using colorful lines, shapes, arrows, and words.

American History Mind Map

All About Me Mind Map Instructions

All About Me Mind Map

Learning Target: Students will document personal and family history by creating a Mind Map.

  1. Take a blank sheet of Print Paper from the shelf and head the lower right hand corner with first and last name, date and period number.

  2. Share Mind Map Art to show creative examples.

  3. Begin your Mind Map Instructions and Examples in the middle of the Paper. Create a Symbol or Image in the center of the paper that represents the topic. Then use Words, Phrases, Images, Icons, Dates, Symbols, and Visuals to represent your knowledge of the topic. Connect concepts together using colorful lines, shapes, arrows, and words.

Full Name in Center of Landscape Sheet


Siblings, Parents, and other Family Members

Cities, States, and Countries where you have Lived

Schools Attended


Hobbies, Sports, and Clubs

Favorite Books, Music, Movies, Video Games, Games, and Shows

Favorite Subjects

Relaxation, Travel, Trips

All About Me Mind Map Example by James Garritson

All About Me Mind Map Example by James Garritson

Mind Map Video Youtube Links

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCyjFipytRE Nov 21, 2017 The Mind Mapping technique is fully explored for educators and teachers. The strategy focuses on having students create mind maps, and teachers demonstrating how to design the mind maps for their students. This strategy is described and explained with classroom teachers in mind, and for them to use mind maps in their instructional practice. The video begins with a quick definition of what a mind map entails. Next, different reasons for using this teaching strategy are given. Some of examples of why teachers should use this teaching strategy include its proven effectiveness as a visual representation of information. The video continues with explaining the process for using this teaching method in a classroom setting. Mind mapping is also a form of note taking where students logically present information onto the paper and are able to visualize it as well. This lesson also gives an example of this technique for classroom teachers using the periodic table. This video is part of a playlist of very effective teaching strategies. It is the second in a series of teachings strategies that include Marzano examples and others. Some other strategies mentioned include the Feynman technique, and picture superiority effect. Teachings in Education