Critical Thinking Questions

Yours and Mine - Lesson of 1623 Viewing Guide

Yours and Mine: The Lesson of 1623 Viewing Guide

Yours and Mine: The Lesson of 1623 - Full Video 12:27 Aug 19, 2015 Looking to win the affection of a Plimoth Plantation enactor, a man takes a job enacting as her husband, and in the process learns that much of what we learned in school about the Pilgrims is not necessarily so. For example, did you know that the Pilgrims wore colorful clothing, and that many came to American soil in search of profit, not religious freedom? The enactor also learns that while the Plimoth Colony originally followed practices of property sharing, it became evident quickly that this system had major flaws. By 1623, the Pilgrims decided that private property ownership allowed for a much more efficient and productive workforce, yielding plentiful crop harvests. This laid the foundation for today's practices of private property rights, affecting many of our possessions such as i-Pods and cell phones.

While watching this video, answer each question.

1. Some people came to Plimoth Plantation for religious reasons. Why did others come?

2. Who were the Adventurers?

3. Why does the tourist (economist) want to meet the Fullers so badly?

4. How did the Pilgrims obtain black pepper for cooking? How did they obtain parsley?

5. What year did Mrs. Fuller come over?

6. The actress portraying Bridget Fuller says they are at the Plimoth Plantation to “dispel myths, not propagate them.” What does she mean, and what myths can you identify?

7. Why doesn’t the actor portraying Samuel Fuller want to swap cars with the tourist (economist)? Why does he take such good care of his car? Do you think he would take care of someone else’s car in the same way?

8. Prior to 1623, what was the system used for growing food?

9. Who proposed allotting plots of land to individuals and families so that each would be responsible for their own harvest?

10. What were the results of property-sharing at the Plimoth Plantation in 1623? Why did this happen?

11. Is sharing always bad? Explain.

12. Why is private property essential to innovation and a better standard of living?

Critical Thinking Questions

13. What myths about the Pilgrims did the program dispel for you?

14. Did the Pilgrims wear all black/white clothing? What color clothing did you notice the actors wearing on the Plimoth Plantation?

15. Would you purchase a car if you had to share it with all of your family members or friends? Why or why not?

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