What is G.R.A.P.E.S.?

  • Watch these videos and then write down what each letter of the G.R.A.P.E.S. acronym stands for and how it will help you better understand a civilization.

  • The GRAPES of a Civilization provides a brief overview about each word from this acronym.

Geography | Religion | Achievements | Political Systems | Economics | Social Structure






Social Structure

While studying ancient cultures this year, we will be using GRAPES. This video reviews the parts of G.R.A.P.E.S.:

  • Geography

  • Religion

  • Achievements

  • Political Systems

  • Economics

  • Social Structure


Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics, Social Structure.

Geography deals with location. Neighboring countries and natural resources that affect the population. Religion is all about worship: the people’s beliefs, and how it affected daily life and the government. Achievements include a society’s contributions: architecture, art, inventions, and mathematical solutions.

When discovering a new civilization, using grapes will help you learn the ins and outs of a nation.

Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics, Social Structure.

Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics, Social Structure.

Politics regard those in power. Do the people have rights and freedoms or are they forced to bow down and cower? Economics can be very complex. Who do they trade with, what are their jobs, are they farmers, or do they cast fishing nets? Social Structure is about the people. Are they segregated? Are they stratified or is everyone equal?

When discovering a new civilization, using grapes will help you learn the ins and outs of a nation.

Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics, Social Structure.

Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics, Social Structure.

Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics, Social Structure.

Civilizations Youtube Links

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMI8gxbW-Tc Oct 7, 2018 While studying ancient cultures this year, we will be using GRAPES. This video reviews the parts of G.R.A.P.E.S.: Geography, Religion, Achievements, Political Systems, Economics, and Social Structure. Created using Powtoon Jacob Kraschnewski

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2_hFhez8-8 May 28, 2019 I do not take credit for any part of this video. I find this song extremely useful in my classroom, so when the original version disappeared, I paid for someone else to make graphics to go with the song.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZuXepy0DdY May 23, 2020 Where in Washington D.C. is the nation's most incredible treasure chest? It's a library unlike any other in the world--the U.S. Library of Congress, in Season 16, Episode 18, "The Real National Treasure". #ModernMarvels​ HISTORY

Achievements Links

Roman Empire All civilizations rely on government administration—bureaucracy. Ancient Rome relied on a engineering projects (roads), language (Latin), and legal codes to administer its far-flung European empire.

All civilizations rely on government administration—bureaucracy. Ancient Rome relied on a engineering projects (roads), language (Latin), and legal codes to administer its far-flung European empire.

Civilizations Links