Welcome to Philadelphia.

America declared its independence from Great Britain here in 1776, but things have not gone smoothly since then. In important ways, the states are not acting united. If we don’t do something now, our new country may fall apart. We need your help.

Will you serve as a delegate in Philadelphia to the Constitutional Convention? Will you consider the opinions and proposed plans?

As you know, our country has been guided by the Articles of Confederation since 1781. Since we did not want to create a king, the framers designed our national government to be weaker and left considerable power in the hands of individual states.

While some people still support this framework, many think changes are needed. But which changes can we agree to? Others think we should create a brand new government, but what would that look like?

Before you travel to Philadelphia for these debates, it’s important to review what’s in the Articles of Confederation:

Major Problems

Things to Consider

Compromise at the Constitutional Convention Activity Visit the Capitol.pdf