Poetry Essay

Prompt: Choose one of the more complex poems we’ve read this year ("The Road Not Taken," "A Poison Tree," "Knock, Knock" "No More Cliches" or "Mother to Son") and write an essay interpreting the meaning of the poem. Poetry, like most literature, has a literal meaning (meaning on the surface) and a figurative meaning (meaning below the surface). That meaning below the surface is what this assignment is all about. For example, is "The Road Not Taken" merely about walking in the forest, or is it about something more? You will want to write about the something more in your essay.

In this essay, you must use specific quotations from the poem in order to keep your interpretation focused and on target. Do not write generally about the poem. Tie your writing to specific lines. Strangely enough, this assignment may be easier if you choose a harder, less obvious poem. If the meaning seems obvious to you, it will be hard to write this essay. On the other hand, if you have absolutely no idea about the meaning of the poem, you should choose a different one.

See the model outlines below to help you organize and focus your writing.