Mango St. Reflection

1. Read through most of the stories in House on Mango Street. Take notes on post-its as you read. I will check your notes a few times this week. Once you've finished reading, choose the story you like the best. Write down the title of the story and the page number.

2. Explain why you liked the story (why you picked it).

3. Explain what you think the point of the story is. What is the author, Sandra Cisneros trying to teach you about life through the story?

4. Choose one or two quotations from the story that you think are really important and interesting. Write at least half a page reflecting on the meaning and importance of one of the quotations. See the model for more details.

5. Choose the sentence that you think is the very most important, the one crucial to truly understanding the story. Write it down and argue why it's the most important.

Due: next week