Study Questions

In order to study for the A Raisin in the Sun exam, read through each of the attached questions, think of specific detailed answers, and write down detailed notes for each. Also read through all of your other notes (on post-its and on your computer) and read through your writing reflections on the play. You will hand in your Study Questions before you take the exam and earn up to 40 points for thoroughly answering each question. It will take awhile to complete the questions, so start now.

To prepare for the essay portion of the exam, read through the prompt below and follow the pre-writing directions. You will be allowed to use a brief outline on the exam (with a thesis statement, the topics of your body paragraphs, and the quotations you've selected). Bring this single sheet of paper to the exam and attach to your essay when you finish writing it.

Writing Prompt: Compare and contrast two characters from A Raisin in the Sun. Show their differences and similarities and how they react differently to having their dreams deferred. Discuss how Hansberry uses their comparison to develop a central theme and to say something about the importance and impact of dreams on humanity. Use direct quotations from the play to support your views.

Pre-writing: Once you have chosen the two characters you want to compare, make a T-chart and brainstorm as many differences and similarities as you can think of. Then choose the most important similarity and two differences. Make an outline (feel free to use the attached template) and fill in just the traits and the quotations (leave the rest blank and use it to keep you focused and organized while you write your essay exam in class).