This elective requires payment of an additional fee to cover materials and consumables (as above).

Food Studies takes an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of food, with an emphasis on extending food knowledge and skills and building individual pathways to health and wellbeing through the application of practical food skills. Students develop their understanding of food while acquiring skills that enable them to take greater ownership of their food decisions and eating patterns. This subject places emphasis on preparing students for VCE Food Studies. 


Food Studies Pathway

Year 10 Food Studies builds on Food Years 7 to 9, further developing the good standard of kitchen and food handling skills already established. Food Studies revises and extends some of the theory already learned, but also introduces new topics that provide students with the required understanding and knowledge to complete Food Studies in Years 11 and 12. Some of the skills that are relevant to other subjects, in particular to practical subject learning, include the use of and the production of design briefs. Tertiary and TAFE studies are both available in this field, and can lead to careers in the hospitality industry, such as a pastry chef, kitchen hand, health/food promotion.