Year 10 Elective

VCE Early Start Program

Costs may apply - please refer to specific VCE subject description

About the Program

The Brunswick Secondary College VCE Early Start Program allows eligible Year 10 students the opportunity to make an early start on their VCE studies.  

Year 10 Students undertake a VCE subject (Units 1&2) as one of their elective subjects.

The school calls for Expressions of Interest from students during Semester 2 of their Year 9 studies.

Undertaking a VCE Early Start subject will mean that a student will


Why Participate?

Participation in the Early Start Program allows a student to

o   enrol in a University Enhancement subject as part of their Year 12 studies

o   expand their Year 12 course load by adding a sixth subject (instead of five)


o   reduce their Year 12 course load to allow time for focused study across four subjects (instead of five)


Students who wish to undertake a VCE Early Start subject must meet specific criteria in Work Practices and assessment results.