3.viii. children generating their own key to classify mint leaves

Illustrated below is the ‘guess which leaf I am thinking about…’ activity.

Following this introduction to the game the children ask Mrs Moore questions to find out which leaf she is think of…. See video below.

The children are invited to perform this activity in pairs (see section 4.viii and watch the video below). Following this Mrs Moore demonstrates how to make a classification key.

After inviting the children to think of questions to put on her key (see section 4.viii) Mrs Moore creates a key of her own (see below).

After completing this demonstration Mrs Moore invites the children to create their own roughly sketched key on a sheet of A4 paper (see examples below).

This is the final activity of the day’s science lesson.

Mrs Moore described why she set up the lesson in the way in which she did.

She went on to explain why she loves teaching science lessons and why she feels her lessons, like this one, are particularly successful.