3.v. Being moths and orchids (to contextualise and understand evolution)

Groups of year 4 children are provided varying lengths of party blowers (or proboscis’s), hand-crafted orchids and counters [nectar points]. Mrs Deller explains to the children what they need to do during the activity (see the film clip and excerpt below).

There are seven sessions of 30 seconds (Observe the pupils being moths and orchids in the two clips directly below) where lengths of nectary tubes (i.e. the plastic bottles) vary due to environmental conditions. Between each session the children stop (freeze) and Mrs Deller asks them questions about what had just happened.

Watch Mrs Deller scaffolding a change in the moth’s environment in the film clip below - where less flowers are available for the moths to feed on.

The children are also invited to consider what evolutionary changes, over hundreds/thousands of years, would occur to the moths and their proboscis after each of the five sessions. Observe Mrs Deller, below, inviting the children to answer her questions after the fifth session (where more flowers were available).