Program Activities calendar 

Students have access to their activities calendar through an App called Team Up Calendar. They can see all the events details and sign up to participate. 

Download the app and open calendar 

The calendar shows all of the events included or offered at an added cost for your program with meeting points & times and the link to sign up.

In your calendar you can also see the REQUIRED events you must attend such as:

To download the App in your phone you need to click here for Android and here for iOS

Once it is downloaded,  open the app and copy and paste your unique link into the space for “calendar key.” This key will be provided to you by your Program Advisor up to 3 months before your arrival, and you can also find it in your mentor email a few weeks before arrival.

You can add a shortcut to your phone by adding a TeamUp widget to the home screen. Click here for more info on how to do so.

You have a day, week or monthly view in your app that will help your organise your time. 

If you want to integrate your Team Up Calendar in other calendars such as Google Calendar or ICalendar please check this site. 


If you want to attend any of the included activities, you are required to sign up in advance. Sign ups will open 2 weeks before the event takes place, with the exception of the Weekend and Overnight trips. 

You can sign up for events by clicking on them in your Team Up Calendar. If you open an event, you will see the meeting point and time, a brief description and more resources to get to know better what we are going to do. 

To sign up for an activity click on the blue "Signup" button. You will need to enter your Full Name and Email Address. 

At the bottom of the event, you are able to see how many people have signed up for a particular activity.

Please note that if you only put your First Name, you will not be added to the sign up (you can see examples on the photo).


There are also trips that you can sign up for at an added cost. These will appear as "optional" in your calendar. 

If you wish to sign up for any of these trips you will need to click the link under Sign Up on the description of the event. 

You will be directed to our "Excursion Payments". Please complete the form. Under "Excursion" please be sure to select the trip you want to go to from the dropdown options.

Notice that the passport details you enter need to be the same as the passport you will use for travelling. If your passport expires between the time you sign up and the trip takes place, you will need to notify your advisor and submit the new passport details to your mentor once onsite at least 10 days before the trip starts. 

Be sure to add the amount specified in the Team Up Calendar as the amount in Payment Details. If the amount paid is different than the amount stated as the price of the trip, the sign up will not be valid.

Sign Up Policy

Sign up deadlines can be different depending on the event:

Once the deadline has passed the sign up will automatically close. If you missed a deadline but you still want to go, email either your mentor or Cultural Activities Coordinator to see if you can be added to the attendance list. 

There are some activities that are meant for different teams, so please sign up for the one that is for your team. 

If there is any event that you want to attend but that conflicts with your classes or working schedule please contact the staff and we will try our best to find another time that works for you. 

Program activites rules

Our rules are easy to follow please make sure that if you want to participate you follow them:

If you break any of these rules you will get a yellow card. Two yellow cards means a red card, and unfortunately that will mean that you can no longer attend any of the program activities. 


STEP 1: Click on the calendar button on your left side menu.

STEP 2: Click on the 3 dots under your current calendar installed. 

STEP 3: Click on the option "Remove Calendar".