Local Traditions

la sardana

The Sardana is the name of the typical Catalan circle-dance. 

ELS castellers

"Els Castellers" are individuals who practice the traditional sport of assembling "castells" (human towers).

Did you know that Castellers are not the only type of human towers that are practiced in Catalonia? There are also the Falcons, a gymnastic/acrobatic performance that appeared in Catalonia at the beginning of the 20th century. The Falconers make a wider variety of forms than the castellers, but with less participants.


The "Correfoc" (translates to "fire run") is a spectacular Catalan tradition involving music and fireworks.

els gegants & Capgrossos

Roughly translated to Giants, these are enormous figures which are featured in most festivals and parades.


A ritual weapon dance!


A popular type of music that came from Cuba during the colonial era.


Both can be found in festivals and parades!