Coffee Culture

Coffee is an important part of the local culture in Barcelona and you'll find that enjoying a coffee like the locals can be a great way to relax while observing the city life around you. 

Useful vocab




1. Em poses un cafè amb llet, si-us-plau?

2. Em pots posar un tallat, si-us-plau?

3. Em portes un cafè descafeïnat amb llet de soja?

PRO TIP: Avoid using English equivalents of "can I have" (translated directly to "puedo tener") in Spanish. The locals use poner (to put) and traer (to bring) instead. 

What's what?

Café con Leche (In Catalan: Café amb llet) A shot of espresso with steamed milk. This is a breakfast favorite. 

Cortado (In Catalan: Un tallat) A shot of espresso with just a touch of milk. This is the typical after lunch choice, as it isn't too filling. 

Café Solo (In Catalan: Cafè Sol) A shot of espresso. Order a "café doble" and you'll get two shots if you need an extra kick. 

Café Americano (In Catalan: Cafè llarg) Shot of espresso with water

Café con Hielo (In Catalan: Cafè amb gel) A summer favorite, this is coffee served over ice. The barista will give you two cups, one with the coffee and one with ice cubes, so just pour your coffee over the ice. 

Café Descafeinado (In Catalan: Un Cafè descafeïnat) Decaf. This is normally either "de maquina" (through the espresso machine) or "de sobre" which is instant coffee and you stir into your water or milk. 

Leche de Soja/Almendra (In Catalan: Llet de soja/d'ametlla) Soy/Almond Milk. You'll find milk alternatives in most cafés!

Leche Desnatada (In Catalan: Un Cafè amb la llet desnatada) Low fat (or skim) milk. Semi-desnatada is 1%.

Templado o Caliente (In Catalan: Tebi o Calent) Sometimes the barista will ask if you want your milk templado (room temp) or caliente (heated).

Café con leche


Café con hielo

Coffee culture

You'll soon notice some cultural differences surrounding coffee culture:

Did you know? 4 Gats is a small café located near the Barcelona Cathedral. Picasso used to hang out here, so go get some inspiration and check off an item in your Barcelona Bucket List at the same time! 

Specialty coffee in barcelona

In the last few years, people have started to appreciate good coffee. As a result, there are many possibilities in the city to enjoy a cup of high-quality specialty coffee. Most of these places also sell coffee beans and grind them for you, so you can prepare coffee at home the way you prefer it. 

A few recommendations: 

Click for café recommendations near each campus: SIS, UAB, UB, and UPF.