Catalan Language

In Catalonia there are two official languages: Spanish (called Castellano) and Catalan. 

People in Catalonia speak both Spanish and Catalan, so you won't have trouble communicating in Spanish, but learning a few key phrases in Catalan will get you a long way to winning the hearts of the locals! 

Catalan is a romance language and is as different from Spanish as Italian is.

Check out this video to learn 10 sentences in Catalan you should know before coming to Barcelona!

Catalan is not just spoken in Catalonia - in total, it's spoken by more than 11 million speakers worldwide.

It's the national (and only) official language in Andorra.

It is also spoken in Alghero (an Italian Island off the coast of Sardinia).

It's the co-official language of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, and the Valencian Community.

Within Catalan, there are 5 dialects!



It means hello.  Yes, this is an easy one, as it's the same in Spanish.  

Com estàs?

It means how are you.  It's another easy one because of its similarity to Spanish (cómo estás?).  Just don't forget to leave out the "o" when you say "com." If someone asks you this, you can reply with "Molt bé" which means Very Good. 


It means goodbye.  Some people don't say the "a" and just say "deu."


It means thank you.  It's very similar to the Spanish "gracias" but with the difference of one letter and the pronunciation.

SI US PLAU & de res

Don't forget your manners! These words mean "please" and "thank you." The Spanish translation would be "Por favor" and "De nada."

Bon dia & Bona nit 

Bon dia means good morning.  This should be your go-to phrase when you greet anyone in the morning! It's the Catalan equivalent of "Buenos días" in Spanish.

Bona nit means good night. It's the Catalan equivalent of "Buenas noches" in Spanish.


It means cheers.  This is a must know word for any night owl! Knowing the word salut is a perfect way to interact with the Catalans around you in a bar setting.  It can also mean bless you.  

Pardona, als lavabos si us plau? 

It means excuse me, where is the bathroom. For obvious reasons, this is a really important one to know!

On esta..?

It means where is (the).  This is another very useful phrase that you can use to figure out where something is - like a restaurant, museum, bank, etc. You just say "on esta" and follow it with what you are looking for.  For example: On esta la Sagrada Familia?/Where is the Sagrada Familia?

Jo prendré & El compte / QUant és?

Jo prendré means, I would like.  Since you will likely be eating out quite often in Barcelona, this will help when ordering.  Just say "jo prendré" and follow it by naming what you'd would like to order.  For example: Jo pendré un Café amb llet/I would like a coffee with milk.

Whenever you are finished, you can ask either How much is it? by saying "Quant és?" Or you can ask for the check by referring to El Compte, si us plau.