Spanish Classes for Interns

If you are an intern directly enrolled in our Internship Program and taking our Global Internship Seminar, you have an optional 1-week intensive Spanish course included in your program.

Please note if you are part of a Customized Program through your university, this may not be included.


Placement test

You have 1 week of optional language classes (20 hours total) included in your internship program! Please check your Team Up Calendar to see the dates of the placement test and the optional weeks of the classes.

Start date

You will have two different weeks to choose from (you will have to choose just one). You can find these two options in your Team Up Calendar. Classes will most likely be in the morning, but this can vary depending on your level.

Before enrolling in your Spanish classes, make sure that your internship supervisor is aware of your start date and schedule. Double-check that it also works well for the company! 

Keep in mind

Your intensive language classes will take place while you are working. These are very intensive and demanding days, but the goal is to give you a big boost in your language skills while continuing your primary goal in Barcelona, which is to get work experience. Remember that you have to talk to your internship supervisor first and ask them if it is possible for you to take these classes or not. If it is, you need to coordinate with your supervisor how you will make up the hours outside of your regular schedule.


The specific session assigned will depend on both the school and the student's availability. Most groups will take place in the morning from 9:30am-1:30pm Monday-Friday (includes breaks), although this can vary depending on your level. The afternoon classes usually are from 2:30pm to 6:30pm Monday-Friday, but again, this will depend on your level and the school's availability.


After your placement test and usually two days before your classes start, you will receive your confirmation of enrollment, confirming the start date and schedule of your classes. On the first day of class, go to the Expanish school (see address below) roughly 45 minutes in advance and say that you are an intern of the Barcelona SAE program.


Expanish - Spanish School in Barcelona:  Passatge de Méndez Vigo 8, Barcelona.

You have 1 week of intensive Spanish included in your program fee, but it is important to let them know that you are an INTERN of the BARCELONA SAE program so that they will bill us accordingly! If you choose to take the class, the course is paid for but you will be responsible for paying for the course book (around 30€).


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Please bear in mind that while the Spanish classes are included in your program, you will be responsible for paying for the course book (around 30€).