
Looking for ideas of things to bring back home? Here are some unique spots to pick up gifts.

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December is a great time to buy local souvenirs because there are many holiday markets that spring up around the city where you can buy all kinds of local holiday items. The biggest markets are in front of the Cathedral (La Fira de Santa Llucía), across the street from the Sagrada Familia, and in the Port of Barcelona

A few items that are sure to stick out to you (that would make nice gifts to bring home!):

-Caganer: A small statue of a man pooping (yes, seriously). The symbol was historically used to symbolize fertility, wealth, and luck for the new year. Nowadays, many Spanish families will hide the caganer in their at-home nativity scenes. The traditional statue features a Catalan man with a red hat, but you can find caganers of all sorts of celebrities and public figures.

-Cagatió (Tió de Nadal): These are wooden logs with a face and hat. You can find them in all shapes and sizes, even mini ones for as little as 2 euros. It's holiday tradition in Catalonia for kids to take care of the Cagatió throughout the month of December until Christmas Day, in which children sing a song, lightly hitting the Cagatió with sticks, until it "poops out" candy and gifts for the children (although really the parents have simply put the gifts behind the log and covered them with a blanket). We know what you're thinking.... what is it with Catalans and poop?!

-Turrón: Enjoyed during the holidays, turrón is similar to a chocolate bar but it's nougat based. While the original is filled with toasted almonds, nowadays there are many kinds, from chocolate to coconut. Turróns make a great gift to take home after the Fall semester, as they're easy to throw in a suitcase! You can find them at basically any holiday market or at Torrons Vicens, a famous turrón store in the Plaça de Sant Jaume.


What types of food can I bring back from Spain? Click on this link to find the answer. 

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