Meeting Locals

One of the most important (and most rewarding!) parts of studying or interning in another country is meeting locals. They can teach you so much about the local culture, and you may even make a life long friend that you'll be coming back to visit for years to come! 

Below are some of our best tips for meeting locals in Barcelona.


The Barcelona SAE Activities Team has a Local Students program so that a few local college students attend each weekly activity with you! As these are Spanish college students, this is a great way to not only practice your Spanish/Catalan and learn more about local culture, but also to meet new friends! 

Most of our local students come to many activities throughout the semester, so you'll be able to get to know these students well. 

Ask them about their tips for meeting locals as well - they'll surely be able to give you some more recommendations.


Language exchanges are the perfect way to meet locals because they're events in which Spanish speakers literally go to meet English speakers in order to practice their language skills! 

There are many language exchanges hosted weekly across the city (check out websites like MeetUp). Most of them take place in a public place and are free as long as you purchase a snack or refreshment at the venue (usually a café or bar). 

Be sure to check your TeamUp calendar as well, as there is usually at least one Barcelona SAE organized language exchange with local college students each semester!

If you meet a new local friend that you'd like to continue chatting with, don't be afraid to ask them to be a language buddy. That way, you can continue to hangout so that you can practice your Spanish/Catalan and help them to practice their English! Read more about this here.


One of the best ways to meet new local friends is by joining a group or club related to something you're interested in or something that you normally do back home. This will allow you to connect with people that have similar interests as you, and therefore, you're already somewhat compatible to be friends with! 

Whether its weekly dance classes, yoga sessions, running clubs, book clubs, or hiking, when you get involved in these activities you'll be sure to meet many locals. 

Tips to find clubs/interest groups:


Volunteering is one of the best ways to give back to Barcelona, and of course, meet locals in the community! It's also a great way to contribute to a cause that you care about.

There are tons of organizations that you can give your time volunteering at - read more on this here.


Nervous about not knowing what to talk about when you meet locals? Here are some conversation topics that will not only help you improve your Spanish but will also help you to learn about cultural perspectives and local viewpoints.